Chapter 16

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Robin sat perched on the end of her bed watching Aleena closely as she slept. Feeling worried for the woman she had recently met, she felt an urge within her to help this woman, who clearly looked like she was in need of it. Robin thought it best to leave her and let her rest for as long as she could and pottered down to her kitchen to make breakfast. A few errands were meant to be made today and the shop was meant to be opened but the thought of leaving Aleena alone troubled her.

Skim reading the Yellow Pages, Robin tried to source as many numbers that she could in regards to women's aid and helpline. Unsure if Aleena would welcome it or see it as an intrusion she discreetly noted them in a cased notebook and left them aside until she could muster the courage to mention other avenues of help that Aleena could take.

The police called asking if Aleena was in better state of mind to be able to come into the station and Robin assured them that she would bring her down herself so that the whole matter could be cleared. As she placed the phone back on the hook, Aleena entered the lounge, wearing a red gown that had been lent to her. Her face was slightly swollen and her eyes were like crescent moons as she struggled to open them to her usual wideness. "Sit down love, let me get you a coffee, painkillers and toast" cooed Robin as she guided her to the sofa. "I will bring it all into you, don't you worry poppet", and she swept out of the lounge with her slippers sweeping on the the floor with each step.

Drinks, medication and toast all propped up on a tray, Robin joined Aleena and placed herself directly across from her on the sofa at the other side. "Now I don't want to make you do anything you do not want to Aleena, but I feel you do in fact need to go to the station so that they can continue and clear up their query. Maybe they can help and advise you, or maybe you can just put it to bed and have last night over and done with, either way, whatever you choose darling, I am with you", and with that she picked up her mug of coffee and drank slowly waiting for a reply. Aleena was quiet and Robin could see that she was weighing her options up carefully, attempting to make a decision in her mind. "I am ever so grateful to you for your help, I really do not know what would of happened had I not called you", Aleena spoke in a quiet gentle voice. She sounded broken deep within. "Now this is why it is paramount we see to this either way and you come to a decision of how to get to the bottom of this matter". Aleena picked up her tablets, grabbed her drink, swallowed two together and made an attempt at eating. "I came here to make choices", Aleena said suddenly, placing a half eaten piece of toasted bread back down on the blue, flower printed plate. "I feel so foolish", she sighed. "Don't be daft Aleena, you were on the right track love, you still are, please do not doubt yourself". "I wonder if the police have spoken to Adam yet, they must of called in on him at our home at some point", Aleena looked sad now and Robin assumed that she was feeling pitiful for the man that had caused her such damage. "From what I know so far from the police, they have yet to find Adam, how about we finish breakfast and we will take a drive to the station, what do you think" asked Robin in a persuasive tone. Aleena put both hands upon her face and shook her head, "What the fuck have I done?! He will hate me more now". Robin got up and sat next to Aleena, rubbing her back gently trying to console her. Let me nip to the cottage and grab you some of your belongings so that you can have a fresh change of clothes" and she got up onto her feet. "I was meant to be checking out this morning" Aleena now started to sound overwhelmed. "Like I said poppet, we will sort things out, you'll see".

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