Chapter 4

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It was a long tiring day and Aleena was ready for home. Packing up her things, she made way for home after saying good bye to her colleagues and patients.
As she pulled into the drive she noticed that Adam had made it home before her. Anxiety began to set in before she had even gotten to the door. Trying the handle she realised that it was locked. Taking out her keys from her handbag she tried to lodge the key in the lock but it would not connect. Adam had left his key on the inner lock. He never usually did this. Dinging the door bell for what seemed like a while she was getting rather impatient. Clenching her fist now and using the side of her hand she began to bray upon the wooden door. Adam appeared.
"I was having a nap, I am shattered Aleena, you didn't need to bray like that". You could feel the tension already rising. Stepping through the door she went straight to the kitchen. Adam followed and presented her with a beautiful, vibrant posy bouquet. "You didn't have to Adam", she said in a soft, low tone. "Look, I am sorry for last night, I realise I was partly to blame, I was a bit of a prick". Never accepting full responsibility for his actions, she knew that this was as good as it was going to get as far as an apology. The flowers were very beautiful, she thought to herself. "I thought tonight I would make salmon and asparagus, what do you think?" She was lighter in spirits now. "What time though? Because I want to hit the gym in an hour". Feeling a little under pressure now, Aleena headed to the fridge and started prepping for the meal.
"I will have it ready for you before you go then, if you are ok with that?", "perfect love, do you like your flowers?".

After dinner, Adam headed out of the door with his gym bag in his hand and Aleena cleaned up.
Checking her face she noticed that her left eyebrow had started to bruise a little and you could see it through her foundation. 'I am not going to let this get to me this evening' she thought to herself. Hoping that Adam was sincere and she tried to strategize a plan in her mind of how to keep him and keep him happy.

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