iii. crazy strangers

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before he knew it, alex found his eyelids becoming heavy while on the flight to mexico

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before he knew it, alex found his eyelids becoming heavy while on the flight to mexico. his eyes were yearning to be shut so that his body could rest. the brown-eyed boy inhaled a heavy yawn of fatigue before he quickly turned his head downward from the abrupt sound that left his mouth. with widened and tired eyes, the black haired boy stared down at the brunette girl beside him as he felt arabella steadily hoist her face off of alex's shoulder. immediately rubbing her eyelids in discontent, arabella tried adjusting her drowsy vision to her surroundings. then, the girl turned her head upwards and locked her hazel colored eyes with a familiar set of brown ones.

"alex... do you feel the turbulence?" arabella mumbled softly while finding herself drowning in alex's brown irises. the black haired boy simply nodded his head in response. with a light sigh, the girl continued, "this plane ride is so shakey. i can't sleep." her words were slurred and garbled, showcasing her exhaustion.

"i know, arabella. it's okay though. close your eyes once more. we'll land before you know it," alex assured while keeping a warm smile plastered across his face. arabella grumbled in response, all she wanted to do was sleep after being awake for 30+ hours, but the frustrating turbulence restricted her from doing so.

still staring at alex, arabella scanned his face and observed how dark and puffy his undereyes were. "you look so tired. did you sleep yet?" the hazel-eyed girl lamented softly as she closed her eyelids slightly. she was merely sleep talking, half asleep as she conversed.

alex chuckled to the sight of her, she looked pretty when drowsy; arabella seemed gentle and soft-spoken for once. "no, arabella. i haven't slept yet. i wanted to let you rest first," alex professed in a hushed tone.

"what? why? come rest with me, alex," arabella whispered before fully closing her eyes and gently laying her head back onto alex's shoulder, the most comfortable position to be in compared to the jolting airplane.

"cariño [darling], i can't sleep if-" alex began wearily before arabella cut him off.

"no. i won't sleep knowing you're awake, alex. c'mon, rest," the brunette girl instructed without lifting her head up to look at the boy. she had a tone filled with dopiness and endearment. arabella only wanted what was best for him.

"alright. but... only for a little while, okay? i cannot sleep with the plane moving so much," alex grunted. "maybe i will listen to music or something," the lafd beanie boy proposed before using his free hand to grasp his phone.

"music?" arabella inquired softly. her eyelids remained closed shut as she slumped her cheek deeper into alex's shoulder.

the black haired boy smiled down to her movement, appreciating how intimate arabella was being. "yes, music. you want to listen with me?" alex quizzed while connecting his airpods to his device through bluetooth. arabella simply hummed in response, unwilling to open her mouth to speak anymore. alex abided, plugging one earbud into his ear before hesitating to give the other to arabella. "cariño [darling], can i put this in your ear?" alex whispered.

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