xx. what is love?

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"the sunset is so pretty, alex

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"the sunset is so pretty, alex... i swear that i have never seen such a pretty sunset like this back home," arabella gushed as she sat amongst the car's leather seat, flicking her attentiveness from the descending star and back at the boy behind the wheel.

as the pair began driving back home to karl's place after the drive-in movie, alex nodded his head in agreement to the purple hued sunset above. with a closed smile, the boy professed, "it- it's really beautiful, cariño [darling], but not as beautiful as you."

the sunset ahead of them beamed glisteningly upon the north carolinian horizon as if millions of scarlet blooms ignited all at once. the orange-gold hue of the radiant star did nothing but stretch far and wide until the colour of fire hearths and ripe tangerines filled the early evening sky. quickly graduating into a deeper pigment, the sun began setting into a subtle hint of purple as if the star in the sky resembled fresh, bright colours brushed upon an artist's canvas; almost as of the rays were destined to create a great work of art for the couple below them— an art piece that let arabella and alex capture this simple moment forever in their hearts.

whilst behind the wheel, alex watched the sunset with a glimmer in his chocolate beaded irises; but instead of observing the sun, he visioned the sea. smiling to himself with nothing but content, the boy felt lost in the makeshift feeling of the rhythmic percussion of waves on sand— he felt like he was in heaven on earth. with his eyes fixated the descending horizon, his face grew aglow with the last orange and purple rays before twilight beckons into bright stars and constellations. alex's lips do nothing but curl into a constant smile, a grin that shows that he is enjoying his thoughts to the girl beside him, whatever those serendipitous thoughts may be. arabella suddenly reaches over and places her land on the boy's lap so that alex can feel her loving presence, but she stays quiet, allowing the boy to stay lost in the endearing moment only a while longer.

"amor [love]?" arabella softly inquired as she looked up to adore the boy beside her, even though his attention stayed fixated on the sunset and road ahead.

immediately hearing her gentle tone, alex quickly snapped his focus briefly at arabella before concentrating back on the street. "yes?" alex quizzed back in a hushed tone.

"i'm happy," the girl casually spat with a grin matching alex's own.

they were two plain words, the most effortless sentence anyone can mutter, but anyone and everyone knows that the phrase holds more emotion and power than it beholds. with alex adoring the sun in front of him, arabella realized that she wasn't in love with the setting star like the boy was, but she was enamored by her own sun— that sun being alex. however, arabella's definition of "happy" consisted of golden strands of truth that adequately captured one feeling— love. the type of love she had for the boy within the driver's seat was an emotion that transcended time, distance, and even mortality in one being. the girl felt weightless and invisible under his indestructible wing, feeling like a carnation that has finally bloomed with alex providing the only beam of sunlight she needed. alex was her sun, and almost as if every little moment of her life led to here and now, arabella acknowledged that alex was her sunshine— the light of her life.

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