xvi. eggy brownies

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"um... we're trending number one on twitter, with a fucking twitter description, because people think we're dating?" alex remarked, it was more of a question than an answer.

"what the fuck do you mean we're number one on twitter?" arabella shrieked as she frantically flailed her arms up into the air.

"it's exactly what it sounds like," karl mumbled as he continued searching for the tablespoon measurement across the kitchen counter; the trio was baking brownies after all.

in an instant, arabella snatched the device from the boy beside her, leaving alex empty-handed as she scanned the trending hasthag herself. "wh- what does this mean? i don't know what this is!" the hazel-eyed girl wailed before tearing her eyes off of the screen. "you guys are internet people, what does this mean? my name was used for over two thousand fucking tweets!"

alex swiftly grabbed karl's phone back and away from the screaming girl; knowing that if she stared at the text any longer, she would break. "cariño [darling]," the black haired boy cooed, softening his tone in hopes of calming the brunette down. "don't worry about it. the hashtag will go away in a few hours. by tomorrow morning, we'll be up and out of their heads."

karl lifted his head and nodded repeatedly in agreement. "for sure!" the blue-eyed boy chirped before joining the pair at the other side of the counter. "i'll keep it a buck with you, we'll be trending one second and gone in another. it's nothing to stress about," karl added with a shrug.

letting out a sharp sigh, arabella knew that the trending hashtag was something out of her control, but she wanted nothing to do with it. from wishing to have no big influence online to emitting no knowledge about being under the social media spotlight, she didn't know what to think of it. arabella knew that the two boys had a big impact on the internet, but she never expected to be alongside the fame; it was a bittersweet feeling.

"promise?" arabella probed softly, looking up at the two boys in front of her and sticking her pinky finger outward toward them.

whilst alex began to plaster a smirk across his face, the blue-eyed boy beside him didn't hesitate to wrap his smallest digit around the brunette's. "i promise, bella," karl professed with a warm smile.

as arabella and karl kept their fingers interlaced, alex stepped in and propped his own pinky outwards. with a continuous smirk, the black haired boy jeered, "look at you, little cariño [darling]. she's making her own pinky promises now." emitting a small chuckle, alex suddenly curled his smallest digit around the already finger-locked pair.

removing her digit from the boys', arabella knit her eyebrows together before retaliating, "shut up, alex. now c'mon, let's get this brownie mix in the oven already."

karl reached over the kitchen countertop and grabbed the large metal bowl that contained their chaotic brownie mixture. from four eggs and immense amounts of milk in the concoction, the blue-eyed boy grabbed the closest whisk and began mixing the batter with his eyebrows raised. "did we make this right?" karl quizzed, unsure as to why the brownie batter was so runny and wet.

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