xii. take it

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

it has been 9 days.

alex stared at his desktop monitor in defeat as he held a half empty can of monster energy. he was supposed to be editing a new video for his main youtube channel, but the boy simply had no motivation to do so. with furrowed eyebrows, the boy acknowledged that the footage was supposed to be edited and posted days ago, but his negative state of mind prevented him from doing so.

letting out a loud groan, alex strongly contemplated about giving up on the video before cupping his face with his hands. forgetting that he was holding a monster can, the energy drink spilled all over his lap and drench his black sweatpants. exhaling a loud sigh, the black haired boy swept the fabric of his pants with his palms, only spreading the sticky drink further along his sweatpants.

ring! ring! ring!

inhaling sharply, alex looked over to the ringing, where his phone was chiming loudly against the side of his desk. grabbing the device with his lips pursed outwards, alex read the contact name and hesitantly responded.

"karl?" alex puzzled as he brought his phone to his ear, his voice was croaked and raspy from the late night.

"alex? holy cow, i didn't think you would answer!" the blue-eyed boy exclaimed through alex's phone speakers.

"karl, it's really late. i don't know why you're calling m-" the black haired boy mumbled until his friend cut him off.

"i know, i know. i just want to check up on you, bro. well, i know you left a disclaimer on twitter saying you wanted to take a break, but people are freaking out because you haven't streamed in a week. i just wanted to make sure you were truly alright," karl sympathized softly, prominently portraying concern.

"i'm okay," alex lamented with a soft sigh. "it's just that i'm still hung up on arabella. i think i called her like twice today, but i got left on voicemail like always."

"aww, man. i'm really sorry to hear that, dude. but keep your head up. i know you both can get through this," karl promulgated with a warm smile.

"yeah... i hope so," the brown-eyed boy divulged as he slouched into his desk chair.

"you know what? instead of sitting around and moping, why don't you go for a drive? it helps you feel like you are in control when you're stressed, you know? maybe you can go get some food and enjoy the late night. just stay safe if you do it, okay?" karl proposed.

the black haired boy could hear the imminent smile spread across his friend's face. "i think i will, karl. i'll take your advice into consideration," alex remarked with a closed smile of his own.

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