xviii. saccharine strawberries

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with a small groan, alex quietly murmured, "what the hell?" feeling his body grow warmer and warmer by the second, the brown-eyed boy felt himself in a mere cold sweat when under the duvet cover

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with a small groan, alex quietly murmured, "what the hell?" feeling his body grow warmer and warmer by the second, the brown-eyed boy felt himself in a mere cold sweat when under the duvet cover.

alex tossed his head to the side, allowing his face to be comfortably greeted with the cool side of the pillow that he was laying on. exhaling a light sigh of relief, the black haired boy fluttered his eyelids open, where he was met with the backside of a sleeping arabella. adjusting his eyes to the sun radiance peeking through the closed window shades above him, alex realized that his arm was loosely slung amongst arabella's waist. keeping his eyes fixated on his unwavering limb, he watched his forearm slowly rise and fall due to the sleeping girl's breathing— the sight made him portray a closed smile, it was nice to know that he currently wasn't dreaming.

pulling the resting girl closer to him, alex tightened his grip around arabella's waist until her back was pressed against his chest; ensuring that she was as close to him as possible. then, the boy shut eyelids once more as he dug his free forearm under the pillow beneath him. the brown-eyed boy sunk his head further into the soft and feathery cushion until his face felt discomfort. feeling his shaggy black hair tickling the sensitive skin of his side temples, alex immediately picked up his hand from arabella's hip and brushed his calloused fingertips across his forehead, dragging away the stray hair that fell across his face.

"alex?" a soft voice murmured, the black haired boy immediately paused in his movement and fluttered his eyelids back open to the calling. "why'd you move?" the voice purred.

turning his body to the side, alex's focus was met with a groggy arabella, who was now facing him. with her brunette hair ruffled across the bedsheets to her long eyelashes gently resting amongst her closed eyelids, the black haired boy smiled at the sleeping girl. "sorry, cariño [darling]. i'm here," alex cooed back before dropping his arm over arabella's hip once again.

arabella shuffled her body under alex's graze until she deemed herself comfortable. the girl knew alex was facing her, but feeling his hot breath against her face made her assume that he was still asleep. opening her eyelids slowly, the hazel-eyed girl's gaze was met with the opposite of her assumptions— acknowledging that coffee beaded irises were staring right back at her.

"what? do you like what you see?" alex snickered huskily as his eyes never tore off of hazel ones, even the corner of his lips turned upward into a smirk because of the girl's golden speckled stare.

the brunette felt her entire body melt under alex's focus, but she rolled her tired eyes in rebuttal to his satire. whilst feeling butterflies arise in her stomach because of his low morning voice, the girl chided, "you wish i did, cabrón [dumbass]." sitting upright, arabella threw the duvet cover off of her body as her bare arms were immediately met with goosebumps from the chilly room. out of instinct, the girl darted her palms over her biceps, rubbing her goosebump coated skin profusely to create some warmth.

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