vi. bet on it

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alex held his face in his hands with defeat, his stream had properly ended now; he was sure of it as he triple checked

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alex held his face in his hands with defeat, his stream had properly ended now; he was sure of it as he triple checked. even though his entire being was filled with embarrassment over the small slip up of his gushing over arabella, the lafd beanie wearing streamer was still on a discord video call with one of his closest friends.

"don't stress about it, dude. you disclosed absolutely nothing about her. it will be like candle girl and i," karl beamed through his monitor. his blue eyes are still bright, despite it being the middle of the night.

"but you willingly talked about candle girl in front of your fans, you know? you wanted them to know about her. plus, i just met this girl today, man! karl, i know nothing about her! let alone enough about her to speak about her on stream!" alex boomed before sulking onto his desk in a huff, he was venting. the brown-eyed boy snatched his beanie off of his head and threw it across the room in frustration; rummaging his hands through his dark, black hair.

karl had never seen his friend this upset before, so it made the blue-eyed boy worry. "okay, yes. maybe you didn't intend on talking about her... but what if you made it seem like you did?" karl began to propose while making rapid hand motions for emphasis.

"what the hell do you mean?" the brown-eyed boy inquired with his eyebrows knit together. he finally lifted his head out of his hands to listen to his internet friend attentively.

"you see, if you imply to your fans that talking about this new girl was intentional, and not a slip up, they'll comprehend it differently," karl began to elaborate while pointing his finger toward his best friend on the video call. "like look, i talk about candle girl in a way that made it seem like i wanted my fans to know about her, right?"

"yeah. i guess," the black haired streamer grumbled. alex propped his elbow onto his desk and made a fist, sinking his right cheek into his hard knuckles.

"so why don't you do the same about this girl? if you fix your slip up and make it seem like you wanted your fans to know about her, everything shifts. instead of your audience picking up the topic as 'quackity's secret girl', it will be the opposite. don't make it a secret. be open about it. your fans already know about her, so why not run with it?" the bright blue-eyed boy concluded with a grin.

"okay... but karl, i don't want my fans to know about her in the first place," alex lamented, his focus remained fixated on his optimistic friend.

"but your viewers don't have to know that. play it off. i know you can," karl added as he started slouching into his black desk chair. the blue-eyed boy knew his plan was genius, it was just a matter of alex pursuing it or not.

"you know what? maybe i will play it off. i have nothing to lose, right?" the brown-eyed streamer began to effuse. alex's small dismissive and grouchy attitude was gradually turning upwards.

"exactly! that's the spirit, big q!" karl bubbled with a giggle.

"but christ karl, she doesn't even know i have fans in the first place. i never told her i was a streamer or youtuber," alex foretold as he brought the palm of his hand to the back of his neck, scratching it with uncertainty.

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