xiii. north carolina

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"are you sure that you have everything?" david inquired with his eyebrows furrowed

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"are you sure that you have everything?" david inquired with his eyebrows furrowed. he had his right hand on the gearshift as he put his car in park at the mexico city international airport drop off, glancing over at his sister that sat in his passenger seat.

"i'm sure, david," arabella retorted while rolling her eyes. "alex is already waiting for me at the airport gate though. i have to go now," the brunette insisted as she began opening the car door.

with a heavy sigh, david opened his own driver seat door and jogged to the back of his vehicle, where he helped his sister retrieve her luggage from the trunk. "why did you have to pick the earliest flight possible? normal people wouldn't be catching a flight at 4am if they had the choice," the sibling fretted while placing arabella's luggage onto the pavement.

"i didn't choose the flight, dumbass- alex did. plus, i think he wanted to catch the earliest flight to see karl as soon as possible," the hazel-eyed girl casually jabbered as she lifted the black handle of her rolling suitcase.

"of course, he picked it. everything revolves around alex," the man satirized with a smirk. "but do you really want to leave me for a week? like seriously leave me for boring north carolina? there's nothing in north carolina compared to mexico," the sibling lamented with a pout.

arabella let out a giggle while wrapping her fingertips around the plastic handle of her luggage. "i'm sure i want to leave... especially since karl and alex will be there. plus, i'll only be in north carolina for seven days, seven days where you can do whatever you want without me," the brunette quipped with a closed smile.

david only emitted a scoff before closing his car trunk shut. "what you really mean is that you're leaving me for seven days to run away with a boy that isn't even your boyfriend," the man satirized.

"so what if alex and i don't do labels? labels are overrated anyway," arabella declared before sliding a white backpack over her shoulder-blades.

"it's not the fact about you both don't have a label. it's the fact that you both refuse to say anything about it. from kissing on top of my car and going on little dates for the past week, alex won't even consider you his girlfriend?" david quizzed as he turned toward his sister.

arabella lifted her shoulders into a shrug before pursing her lips outward. "he hasn't asked me out yet. but you'll never know, maybe he'll properly ask me to be his girlfriend on this trip," the brunette beamed.

"yeah, sure. the chance of that happening is slim to none since he hasn't by now. maybe he'll finally ask you out once his balls drop-" david began to jeer until his bicep was met with a slap.

smacking her brother harshly with her palm, arabella defended, "don't make fun of alex when you can't even speak from experience."

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