xi. the waiting game

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

alex was absolutely burnt out after his love or host stream. from babbling with eleven women and portraying his hyper quackity persona for 4 continuous hours, the wave of tiredness hit him like a semi-truck. however, even after being on a video call from the early morning to mid-afternoon, the black haired boy found himself on another call with one of his best friends.

"the stream was great, dude! i think austin peaked at around 100k viewers at one point!" karl beamed through the discord video call.

"really? i didn't even notice," alex quipped before bringing a black monster energy drink can to his lips. as the brown-eyed boy tipped the aluminum can over his mouth, barely any juice escaped its container. with a frown, alex crushed the empty monster can and tossed it to the side of his desk.

"you finished another one? how many monsters have you drank this morning?" the blue-eyed boy on alex's monitor inquired with his eyebrows raised.

"like... i don't know," alex began to ponder as he stared upward at his brick ceiling. "maybe three?"

"three monster energies? and it's not even 2 o'clock in mexico! you're crazy, man," karl jeered with a loud giggle.

alex smiled to his friend's ridiculing. "yeah. sorry, i know it's a lot of energy drinks. i just couldn't sleep last night," the black haired boy admitted as he brought the palm of his hand to the back of his neck, scratching his skin with uncertainty.

"why couldn't you sleep? is everything alright over there?" karl questioned, his voice was high-pitched and filled with concern.

the brown-eyed boy quickly dropped his hand from his neck. "don't worry. uh- everything is fine here. it's just-" alex began, his voice growing quieter through each consonant.

"what?" karl interrogated, a wave of worry consumed his body over his friend.

"it's just- i kissed arabella last night..." alex confessed, it felt good to get the big news off of his chest. "and i texted her afterwards and she still hasn't answered, so i don't know if i did anything wrong but-" the black haired boy foretold until his friend cut him off.

"you kissed arabella?! congrats, dude!" karl shrieked, the palm of his hand immediately slapped over his mouth in shock. "bro, i owe her $100."

alex rolled his eyes in response before crossing his arms over his chest. "that's not the problem here. i don't care about the bet, i care about what happened afterwards," alex lamented with a small frown.

"oh, right! but okay, now go on. i'm listening," the blue-eyed friend bubbled before leaning forward toward his webcamera; showing his interest and full, undivided attention.

"as i was saying..." alex began in a sing-song voice. "i kissed her last night..."

"uh huh. finally," karl teased with a grin as he rolled his eyes playfully.

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