v. until then

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

"entonces alex, a qué te dedicas? [so alex, what do you do for a living?]," arabella's mother inquired with a quirked up eyebrow. her mother was picking at her plate, she was more fixated on the new boy joining them at dinner table rather than the dinner itself.

"tengo veinte años, soy estudiante de derecho [i am twenty years old, i am a law student]," alex replied as he flashed a warm smile across the table. he had been eating dinner with arabella's family for about an hour now, trying his best to maintain a good impression.

"law? why did you choose law out of all things?" david boomed before taking a swig of his water, holding the clear glass in front of his face. arabella's brother was trying to read alex, read the boy's intentions with his sister. but even though the beanie wearing boy was an open book, david simply couldn't figure him out.

before alex could utter a reply, arabella took the situation into her own hands. "david... leave him alone. you've been interrogating him all night," arabella gritted through her teeth before slamming her fork down on the wooden table in front of her. the hazel-eyed girl knew her older brother was protective, but she didn't know that he would be this protective tonight.

"i'm just tryna-" david began as he tightened his fingers' grip around the glass, but he was cut off by the one person that could shut him up.

"detente, david. dejame preguntar [stop, david. let me ask]," his mother stated in a low tone while shooting him a glare.

"no, it's alright. el puede preguntar [he can ask]," alex quipped. the black haired boy kept his smile plastered on his face, grateful that arabella's mother put her son in his place.

"pero debes ser listo [but you must be smart]... to study law," the eldest of the table complimented, arabella's mother was fascinated by alex. her daughter never brought many boys home, let alone boys with such nice manners as alex, so she liked the boy - she approved of him.

"más o menos [more or less]," alex joked with a chuckle. arabella's mother laughed alongside the stranger at the table, appreciating his lighthearted humor.

"he is smart, mamá. he just doesn't want to show it," arabella gushed before reaching at the boy that sat beside her at the table. without looking at him, the hazel-eyed girl squeezed alex's hand, a mere deed of reassurance.

"te creo. él es guapo y inteligente [i believe you. he is handsome and intelligent]," arabella's mother orated proudly. david sulked into his seat from her words while arabella squeezed alex's hand once again.

"he really is. but mamá, may alex and i be excused from the table? it's getting late and i want to make sure he gets home safely," arabella beamed from beside the brown-eyed boy. she began to stand from the table and alex just stared at her in admoration to her movement, he had been doing so the entire night.

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