vii. fast learner

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"plop." with a scrunched up face, arabella shuffled within her duvet cover to reveal that soft fabric was pressed amongst her face. reaching upward and removing the unknown cotton off her skin, arabella fluttered her eyelids open to realize that a pillow had been thrown at her face.

"get up, bella. there's someone downstairs waiting for you," david grumbled from arabella's doorway. the older brother had been leaning over the wooden doorframe with a smug look on his face.

"someone's here?" arabella croaked, her voice was raspy and scratchy from the long night of giggling and screaming that she shared with alex and karl. while bringing her hands to her throat, the hazel-eyed girl rubbed the front of her neck to soothe its hoarseness.

"you sound disgusting. but yes, someone is here... and i'd get ready if i were you," her brother foretold with a smirk before turning around and leaving arabella's bedroom.

in a huff, arabella picked up her phone, which was messily drowning in her bedsheets, and she checked the time [10:46am]. letting out a heavy sigh, the brunette realized that she barely got 5 hours of sleep this morning. however, she followed her brother's instructions and grabbed the closest jacket she could find. after slipping her arms through the warm and thick fabric of the hoodie, arabella sauntered her exhausted body out of her room.

strolling into the kitchen, she found her mother humming to herself over the stove top; which was a typical morning sight to behold. without a care, the hazel-eyed girl exhaled a loud yawn before rubbing her eyes in hopes of wiping her tiredness away. with one eye closed, arabella wasn't paying much attention as she walked up to the refrigerator. sauntering up to the chilled box, arabella's eyes widen to the sight of another figure in the kitchen; watching how a stranger was rummaging through the refrigerator.

with furrowed eyebrows, she heard a the stranger chime, "déjame conseguir los huevos [let me get the eggs]."

arabella could recognize that voice from anywhere. as she stood frozen amongst the kitchen floor tile, she watched how the unknown figure closed the refrigerator door and lift their head upwards, making eye contact with her. as the stranger held a carton of eggs in one hand, arabella made familiar eye contact with a pair of eyes that she constantly melted in.

"arabella, buenos dias [arabella, good morning]," alex greeted with a grin before waving at the tired girl with his free hand.

with her eyes still widened, arabella analyzed how alex walked beside her mother. while taking in the sight she was beholding, arabella watched her mother snap her petite head over her shoulder; giving her daughter a cold glare. "no seas grosera, arabella. saluda a alex [do not be rude, arabella. say hi to alex]," her mother mumbled with a frown. arabella didn't know if her lack of sleep made her dream of this scenario, but she kept her mouth shut despite her mother's instructions; she couldn't believe alex was in her kitchen.

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