xix. purple hued sunsets

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arabella pulled away first, placing her palm on the boy's chest and slowly leaning backward to detach her lips from alex's own

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arabella pulled away first, placing her palm on the boy's chest and slowly leaning backward to detach her lips from alex's own. the girl wished that she could continue to embrace the moment, wishing to replay this scene over and over again until her lungs gave out. the brunette knew that her heart consistently beat for alex and alex only, and she was willingly to kiss him until that heartbeat stopped— but her lungs subtly begging for air told her not to. the pair separated from the kiss and let their foreheads meet, slow breathing in one another's presence under the constant flashing neon lights of the diner sign above them.

alex shifted his palm downward from cupping arabella's cheek and placed his hand amongst the brunette's waist, drawing small circles along her hips to showcase his endearment. "i cannot tell you how long i've wanted to tell you that," the black haired boy confessed, feeling his heart continue to race even though they already pulled apart from the kiss.

the hazel-eyed girl let out a small chuckle in response before looking up and locking her golden speckled irises with chocolate ones. "then why didn't you just tell me in the first place? are you telling me that you're still the wimpy boy that prefers caramel in his coffee?" arabella satirized, letting her small chuckles turn into a burst of laughter.

alex tilted his head back to separate it from the girl in front of him, taking the time to adore the brunette under the red flashing limelight. sighing sharply, the boy playfully rolled his eyes before heckling, "don't make fun of my coffee order when you're the one that fell in love with a caramel coffee loving dude in the first place."

with arabella's palm still on his chest, she joshingly shoved the boy and made him jolt back as she had a grin plastered across her face. "don't get to ahead of yourself, mi amor [my love]. let's go home," the brunette professed before grabbing the hand that was resting amongst her hip, intertwining alex's fingers along her own.

alex's eyes widened to arabella's sweet nickname, as he nearly melted then and there from the sound of it. the girl had avowed the name once before, but only as a playful joke— nothing more. just when he thought his heartbeat couldn't race any faster, the boy acknowledged how easily and effortlessly the small name, "mi amor," simply rolled off of arabella's tongue. from the slight sign of possessiveness over the "mi [my]" to the modest rolling of the "r" at the end of the calling because of her spanish accent, the boy merely let his heartbeat go into overdrive. the nickname escaped her lips as if she was destined to say it, as if everything in the world led up to this one moment where she could finally profess her sweet nothings into his ear over a sole nickname. alex was never one to be fully obsessed with names, but the way arabella declared it made the boy wish to hear the consonants over and over again.

"come on," arabella insisted, breaking alex's hyperfixation on his train of thought as she continuously tugged at the boy's hand. "we have to head home and see karl."

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