xv. smile on camera

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alex sat there with his jaw dropped, beholding the sight of arabella standing the middle of karl's bedroom doorframe

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alex sat there with his jaw dropped, beholding the sight of arabella standing the middle of karl's bedroom doorframe. widening his eyes from shock, the black haired boy whispered, "bella... we're streaming! out! out!"

without hesitation, arabella raised her eyebrows and pivoted her heel without thinking twice. swiftly turning around and exiting karl's bedroom, the brunette did not hesitate to leave the two streaming boys alone until karl called out to her. "bella, wait!" the blue-eyed boy yelped.

flashing her head over her shoulder, arabella locked her hazel colored irises with the boy's blue ones. "karl?" the brunette questioned with her eyebrows still raised, she was still standing outside of the doorway for the entire stream to see.

"y'know what, chat? give quackity and i one second!" the karl urged, his words were spewing out of his mouth before he could even comprehend them.

alex was readjusting the white headset that rested amongst the top of his head before hearing karl's sudden words. instantaneously, the black haired boy felt his eyes widen as he watched karl scramble out of his desk chair, scrambling to reach arabella. before alex could object, comment, or even understand his friend's unanticipated movement and words, karl dashed out of the bedroom and closed the door behind him.

with a sharp sigh, alex snapped his attention back onto the stream in front of him; arguing with the blue-eyed boy and whatever intentions he had seemed useless. as the black haired boy scanned the two monitors in front of him, he read the spamming messages in chat that were all, of course, revolved around arabella's sudden short presence on the stream.

══════ ◦the stream's chat◦ ══════

user01: omg who is she?
user02: her name is bella! how cute!
user04: did anyone see the way big q looks at her?
user05: i already found her on twitter...
user07: let us meet her!!
user08: wait how is she so pretty
user10: where is karl going!!
user11: who does she think she is?

"chat, i honestly have no idea where karl went. i'm just as confused as you guys," alex beamed toward the stream with a smile, he was always a natural when it came to conversation on camera. "also, i have a little storytime to tell you guys. do you all want to hear the chisme [gossip/drama] on karl and candle girl?" the brown-eyed boy jeered as he began to slowly rub his palms together, gesturing something mischievous.

before alex under his quackity persona utter one word to the chat, the wooden door of karl's bedroom nearly sprang open - making the black haired boy jump. "hello, chat! everyone meet bella!" karl proclaimed as he performed mere jazz hands toward the girl that accompanied the door frame.

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