x. love or host

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

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*possible trigger warnings: mature language

"qué demonios te pasa?! [what the hell is wrong with you?!]," arabella badgered as she clenched her jaw furiously. the brunette flung and slammed the front door shut behind her, causing the loud rumble to fill the hacienda.

"what?" david innocently asked with a smirk plastered across his face. her brother was slouching at the dinner table with his arms crossed, amused at the fact that his sister was smoldering right in front of him.

"arabella!" her mother exclaimed from the stovetop. the petite elderly woman sauntered out of the kitchen to reprimand the brunette. "cuida tu lenguaje! [watch your mouth!]" her mother scolded as she pointed a wooden spoon toward the fuming daughter standing amongst the doorway.

the hazel-eyed girl immediately flailed her arms up into the air as anger tread through her veins. "mamá! david calls me in the middle of my date with alex to scream bloody murder! all he wanted was for me to come home over the most stupid, goddamn reason!" arabella raged, mere flames were igniting in her irises.

"david?" her mother quizzed, averting her focus to the relaxed man at the dining table.

"i don't know what she's talking about, mamá," david bloviated whilst shrugging his shoulders. the man looked upward to see arabella with her jaw dropped, since the brunette stood absolutely shocked to hear david utter lies toward the two ladies in the room.

"you fucking- you piece of shit! don't you lie to her!" arabella snarled with her eyes widened. at this point, she didn't care about what words were spewing out of her mouth. the hazel-eyed girl was head to toe filled with rage, wishing to do nothing but put david in his place.

"tranquilizarse! [quiet down!]" her mother scowled, raising her voice. arabella immediately closed her agape mouth, listening to her mother's instructions.

"yeah, bella. why don't you lower your voice?" david jeered, his smirk never left his face. her brother was just picking at the brunette's vexation for his own merriment.

in an instant, arabella picked up her heavy footsteps and boomed across the tiled floors of the hacienda. as the brunette walked up to the dining table, she leaned downward and slammed the palms of her hands onto the wooden table. whilst the bang echoed through the room, arabella exploded, "don't you fucking tell me-"

"arabella!" her mother chided, cutting her daughter off.

the hazel-eyed girl immediately snapped her head over her shoulder, beholding the sight of a blustered mother standing along the kitchen doorframe. letting out a sharp sigh, she diverted her attention back onto her sibling as she stood upright from the dining table. as her hands folded into fists amongst her sides, arabella spat, "i fucking... hate you."

david's eyebrows raised to her words. her sibling was taken aback by her voice, as it was a mere whisper, yet filled with threatening seething. david had heard those four words escape arabella's lips once before, but always in a high-spirited banter and never in a tone that leaked such venom. "bella, wait," david uttered softly, portraying a set of apologetic eyes as he knew that he pushed the playful joke to far. her brother swiftly reached outward, grabbing arabella's wrist in a gentle grip.

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