Next to you

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A/N: Childhood friend dynamic because it's good for both fluff and angst- it's just pinning dw and it's not a lot so I don't think any negative emotions will trigger up anyways I hope you enjoy!! If you're wondering why I always use 'sama' or 'kun' for the honorifics instead of 'san' for any character is because (Y/n) and the character are close friends, 'San' is to formally greet people, mostly people you're not close to but to use 'sama' it shows how important the character is to (Y/n) The reason why (y/n) uses 'Kun' for Nagito instead of 'Sama' is because they are more comfortable with each other so I wanted to do something here- idk anyways new layout of this baby because I wanted to make it pretty :D this is a long chapter so buckle up buttercup- I don't know how to write good gender neutral so I just changed it to a female, I'll write a male chapter if I get requested lol


   ╔══════*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*══════╗

3rd POV

-Female Reader-


   ╚══════*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*══════╝

Nagito smiled lightly at his best friend, the two of them were currently swinging on a swingset. "Hey, Y/n?" he asked. Which caught his Best friend's attention. "Hm? What is it Nagito~Sama?" He stayed silent for a sec before responding. "What would you do if I left for 3 years?" Y/n stared at their best friend. "Wait why? If that happened, I'd see you in like..." Y/n thought for a sec " Since we're near the end of our 1st year of middle school we'd see each other in freshman year! Nagitoo that's too long to wait!" Y/n whined as they swung back and forth. Nagito scratched his head, "I'm sorry Y/n I shoulda told you earlier...I'm leaving in a week" Y/n's eyes widened as Y/n jumped off the swing, Nagito following behind Y/n.

Y/n grabbed Nagito's hand, dragging him away. The two middle schoolers ran, Nagito barely keeping up with his H/c haired friend, stumbling along the way. "Y-y/n~sama! Hold up where are we going?" Y/n turned back at him. "We're going to have the time of our lives this week, what are you waiting for?" Y/n first pulled Nagito to a secret lounge. "E-eh? Y/n~Sama what are we doing here?" He asked as Y/n pushed open the door. "Welcome to my lounge, I set it up for us but never got to bring it up, so I figured you should go in for a bit while you still have the chance." Nagito smiled, "Woah that's awesome!" F/G laid on the tables and a leather couch stood in the middle of the lounge. "Go play some games, I have something I wanna get real fast" Nagito nodded as he focused on the screen.

The week went by quickly and soon, it was time to say goodbye...

Tears streamed down Y/n's cheeks as she held Nagito. It was the day of his departure, Nagito tried to hold back his tears, he'd miss Y/n. He rubbed her's back, hoping to calm his best friend down all while holding back tears, he wanted to stay strong for his best friend. Y/n sniffed. "You b-better come back soon ok! Or I'll personally go there and smack you in the head!" Nagito rolled his eyes jokingly and answered. "I'll await your smack on the head then" Y/n Gave Nagito one more hug before he had to go. But the H/c haired girl did something no one expected, running past the border, security guards shouted for Y/n to get back but she just ran faster, finally reaching Nagito, Y/n grabbed his hand. "Nagito, wait up I have something I wanna give you" The h/c haired girl huffed, trying to catch their breath. Y/n took something out of her pocket as she placed it in Nagito's hand. "I meant to give this to you earlier but I didn't find the chance 2 years we'll meet again right? When we meet I wanna see you with it on so I can recognize you and brag to everyone, and don't forget me ok?" Y/n said, slightly joking. Nagito smiled nodding as he tried not to tear up. "Cmon' Nagito, if we don't go we'll be late!" Nagito nodded to his mother as he walked off, waving. 

"I'll see you in 2 years!"

-Present day-

The h/c haired girl stretched as she checked her calendar, today was the start of the new school year, also the day Nagito should be coming back. It was Y/n's first day of high school and she'd been enrolled in the school 'Hope's peak academy' as the ultimate (talent), which was given to her through- long story short, work. She looked out her window, the H/c haired girl hadn't moved, those swings where he told her about him leaving were still there, now occupied by a group of new kids. Y/n sighed as she got dressed. She brushed her teeth then ran down into the kitchen, quickly grabbing the toast out of the toaster, if she was being honest she was already bored of the taste, it was just plain ol' toast, boring and tasteless, she rolled her eyes as her mom called good morning. She smiled back at her mother, greeting her before putting on f/c shoes and waltzing out of the door with a bag filled with supplies. All around, she saw people with their best friends walking to school, laughing and chatting, Y/n sighed trying to look on the bright side. 'At least Nagito's coming back today' she thought as she stood tall, walking to the school entrance. "First day of hopes peek here I come" Y/n mumbled as she walked in. 

"71-B...No not that, 73-B? Not there either..." Y/n mumbled to herself as someone bumped into her, turning around, she saw a red-haired girl, who fell back. Y/n covered her mouth as she reached her hand out. "I'm so sorry, here let me help you up" The red haired female took Y/n's hand as she got up, "No no, it's my fault for not paying attention, my name is Mahiru by the way, Koizume Mahiru." She said as she dusted off her skirt. Y/n scratched her head. "Well my name is Y/n, L/n Y/n, Do you happen to know where class 77-B is?" 

Mahiru's eyes shimmered for a sec before saying. "No, but that's actually my class as well!" The two girls finally navigated their ways through the halls and reached their classroom. Mahiru opened the door slowly, looking around before walking in, Y/n following behind. The first thing Y/n noticed was a certain white-haired male with a mechanical butterfly hairpin which Y/n somewhat recognized but she couldn't tell why it seemed so familiar, then as if connections were formed in her mind, she blurted out "NAGITO?!" His eyes widened as the H/c haired girl ran towards him, tackling him to the ground in a hug. "I  MISSED YOU SO MUCH GOSH DARN IT!" Nagito smiled at his best friend. "Ah, Y/n how have you been?" Y/n looked at her best friend. "I've been good...You're really here! Like here in my arms!" Y/n said, tearing up. He smiled at her.

 "Yep, I'm right here, next to you..."

"I can't believe it..." Y/n said, still in shock as she got up, she gives Nagito her hand which he took and got up. Meanwhile, everyone was staring at the two. "You've got some explaining to do" Mahiru said, scratching her head. Y/n cursed under her breath 'Shit I forgot they were there' Nagito chuckled lightly, he had changed quite a lot since the two of you last talked.

That afternoon, you went to your locker, only to be met by a note. 

'Y/n, please meet me in the front of the school after school

- ______ _______'


The bell rang as students rushed out of the building, as students cleared out of the gates, Y/n saw a nervous white haired male waiting there, standing tall. Y/n quickly ran to Nagito, huffing just like she did 2 years ago, except this time, he waited. She looked up from her huffing to be met with beautiful green eyes. "Hey, Y/n~sama..." Y/n smiled. "Hey Nagito~Kun, what can I help you with?" He grabbed her hand, pulling it up, their hands intertwined as he looked into Y/n's E/c eyes. 

"I know this is sudden but...will you be my lover? The Juliette to my Romeo, or The stars to my moon?" Y/n smiled. 

"Yes, yes I will..." Feelings from long ago bubbled up in Y/n's chest as the two of them went in for a kiss, it was soft and gentle, tender like a butterfly yet full of pation.

"I love you, Y/n~Chan"

word count: 1,454 

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