Heathers || angst || female

752 17 6

A/n: We're at 4K already O-O tysm! Also I see a lot of people writing with this song and the angst is amazing soooo-

<<3rd POV>>

TW: mention of the word su!c!d3, no mc does not commit it

Actually it's more of gender neutral but leaning towards female reader :]


-Note 1-

'Hey, do you remember that day on September when the two of us were walking in the snow and you lent me your sweater? It was one of the sweetest moments I've ever felt. Thinking back, I realized how much I liked you, it almost sounds comedic.'

-Note 2-

'But I didn't realize how important you were till I was running out of time...on that day, I watched you and her walk together, at first I brushed it off as just a friend but the more I looked at you, the more I realized you, Nagito had a crush on her. I could see it in the look on your face and the gleam in your eyes.'

-Note 3-

'The more I realized you liked her, the more it hurt, it felt like dying, it felt like I was being stabbed in the gut multiple times. Why did you even kiss me? I'm not even as pretty as her, just as you did for me, you gave her your sweater, isn't it polyester, that you like her better, I really wish I was that girl. The more I'm away from you, the colder I feel, I no longer feel the warmth of the sunlight.'

-Note 4-

'Oh dear Nagito, I wish I had built up the courage to tell you I loved you, it's honestly funny how I could never do it, now I'm slowly losing you...'

-Note 17-

'Yesterday I tried calling you to try and talk to you again but it ultimately failed. I thought you would actually come to the meeting but as soon as I got there, I got a message from you saying you had to cancel because of her problems, would you ever have time for me?'

-Note 18-

'Yesterday I saw you buying the one thing you promised you'd buy me when we saved up enough for it, why am I even sad at this point? Is it because of jealousy? Or maybe it's just regret. if I'm being honest I kinda want to have her dead- who am I kidding that's really dumb, maybe I should keep my jealousy to myself if that's what you want to call it'

-Note 19-

'Today I ran home crying. I now realized it wasn't something really minor, I was slowly being replaced and I broke down in front of my friends, Nagito asked me what was up, I guess he hasn't realized yet but at that moment I could only think of running, what am I supposed to do now?'

-Note 25-

'Today I met a girl named Junko Enoshima, she came to me with a plan of some sort, apparently, she wanted to do something with despair and in return, I'd have my wish fulfilled? I dunno, I guess I have nothing to lose now do I?'

-Note 34-

'We've gotten deeper into planning and now me and Nagito are practically strangers, it really pains me to see that, I hope that some day I may get to tell him how much he meant to me, or maybe not'

-Note 47-

'Junko's plan has finally started, people were rioting all over the place, I didn't think it'd get this bad but at this point I'm kinda digging it'

-Note 50-

'This will be my final note, I'm going on a suicide mission there's no way I'd survive knowing Junko, I'm gonna die in despair and agony, well at least no one will know about the past...'

A now tearing up Nagito hugged onto the folder of notes as they slip down his cheeks. "What are you crying about, servent?" Monaca asked as she crossed her arms.

"Just someone I never meant to let go"


I don't know why and how the hell I wrote this but I hope you enjoyed the angst!

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