Dead or Alive?(pt 1)

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(inspired by mystic messenger kinda)

It was a rainy Saturday morning as you got up. Stretching your arms you yawn and opened your eyes.

"Good morning world!" You hummed as you stood up and went to brush your teeth. Several minutes later, you had gotten ready and was about to go make breakfast when suddenly, your ringtone played. Walking over you wondered who would be calling you on this rainy day, it was rare that it was your friends since they liked sunny days and it's not like they wanted to hang out in the rain anyway.

Picking up your F/c cellphone, you clicked the 'receive call' button. The first thing that came out of the phone was a deep male voice.

"Hello, is this Y/n L/n?" the voice asked. The H/c haired girl hesitated before saying.

"Yes, how can I help you?" instantly, the male voice spoke.

"awee L/n~sama you don't need to be polite, it's me, Nagito your childhood-" Before he could continue his sentence, the h/c haired girl was crying, she hadn't heard from her best friend since the game 'Danganronpa 2' and honestly, it sickened her to be away from her friend for so long. Y/n was suddenly snapped out of her thought by her childhood friend again.

"L/n~sama I know it's really sudden but can you meet me at the cafe near your house?" You nodded to yourself and then said.

"Sure, when do you want to meet up?" there was a small poss before an answer came.

"Is 9:00 ok?" 

And so, the two of you planned to meet up at 9:00, you still had an hour to prepare for this meetup so you weren't too worried. Soon, 8:45 ticked around the corner, you got your umbrella and headed out. After a 15 minute walk to the cafe, you were suddenly pulled over by a masked man. He had a knife against your neck in a threatening position.

"W-What are you doing?-" You asked as the masked man ignored the statement but said. 

"I want you to tell me everything you know about the killing game" Your eyes widened,

 "W-what?- I-I-I don't know anything!" The masked man then proceeded to threaten you with a cloth which had some drugs applied to it, just when you thought you were about to pass out, a person suddenly flashed past you and knocked out the masked man. You were about to look up at the person but they were too fast and in a blink of an eye, they were gone but a little piece of paper had elegantly landed on the floor.

'We'll meet again, Y/N if you ever need me just call out for me'

That got you confused, who was this 'me'? Might it be...Nagito? N-No he's dead, b-but if it isn't Nagito, how did they know who I was? You figured this was some sort of joke and the person wouldn't come back again to protect you, but you were never sure. There was not many people around but you needed to do something with the masked man. You called the police and they took the person. After all that trama, you walked home.

 A/n: I have no idea what I was writing but I felt like writing so here is a little oneshot, the next part will come up soon anyways this is just the start I promise it will be better soon QwQ anyways have a good day/night

word count: 579

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