2 || Till despair do us part || angst

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A/n: I'm changing up a bunch of the danganronpa plot (sdr3) but uhm it's really similar so spoiler warning, POV switches are messy af I was listening to nightcore while working in a sleep deprived mode so don't mind that - I'll revise it when I reread which is about never
Nagito might be ooc in some parts but that's guaranteed I guess
H/l = hair length

Tw: Major Character De*th, shouting and mature language

<<3rd POV>>

The giggles of a girl could be heard in Nagito's mind as he laid there starring at the ceiling above him, the past few nights he'd been thinking about his decisions in terms of relationships. He couldn't even tell if the soft giggling was from his girlfriend or best friend. Meanwhile, Y/n had been hanging out with Ibuki almost all the time. They'd hang out in school, go out to chill and go to the dorms to watch a scary movie or just talk.

As Y/n felt better, Nagito felt worse so one fine afternoon, he brought Ayomi outside to the very place she confessed, and to the very place Y/n had her heart shattered and broke up with her. "Look Ayomi, you're pretty and a really nice girl but... I just don't think this will work out-" Before he could finish his sentence, Ayomi slapped him in the face, tears streaming down her cheeks. "IS IT BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH, Y/N? JUST FORGET HER, SHE'S RUINING EVERYTHING!" Nagito's eyes widened starring at his ex who finally showed her true colors.

He smiled lightly yet his face looked intense. "Ah, now I see how jealous you are, you've finally shown your true colors...you're nothing but a fuq-girl, I never said anything about Y/n and you just jump to conclusions? Truly I saw much hope in you but now I see you're nothing but a loser, you caused dear Y/n to feel so much despair, and don't you ever call Y/n a bitch again, she's more than you'll ever be."

If you were there you'd be able to see the shock that consumed her face as she realized any chance of her being with Nagito again was completely whipped off the face of the Earth. More tears slowly trickled down her cheeks as she ran away, her makeup was all ruined but it didn't seem like she cared.

After a short period of time, a certain brown haired male popped out of the shadows. It was none other than Hajime Hinata. He lightly scratched his head as he waved. "Hey Nagito, I happen to uhm overhear your conversation, what was that about?"

Nagito's face softened at the sign of his Ex leaving. "Ah, Hajime funny seeing you here" Then he proceeded to explain the whole situation.

Meanwhile, Y/n was being dragged around by Ibuki, the H/c haired girl was currently whining and complaining. "Ibukkiiii why do we have to be out here right now i wanna go homeeeeeeeeeee." Ibuki chuckled. "Because you promised me we'd go on a platonic date" Y/n huffed. "Well yeah, but I meant like go to a cafe or something!" Ibuki smirked. "We're just on our way to the cafe, stopping at a few stores never hurt anyone" Y/n shook her head, playfully as the two finally reached their destination.

As the two walked in, the H/c haired girl spots a blonde with pigtails, Junko Enoshima, she is known as the ultimate fashionista but she's really the ultimate despair. Ibuki had grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her to a seat for two people before saying. "hold up Y/n ima go to the bathroom real quick wait for me to order ok?" Y/n nodded.

As soon as Ibuki was out of sight, Junko walked over with Mukuro. " So, L/n, sweety, did you do what I told ya to do?" Y/n sighed and nodded, "yeah yeah, now can you go away? I don't wanna be associated with you." Junko have a quick pout before saying. "Awe cmon' Y/n don't pretend the rush of suspense wasn't fun" the girl rolled her eyes but when she was about the answer, she heard a call for her name.

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