Don't go yet || Gender Neutral

568 21 6

A/n: Before we start, the reason why my update schedule is an absolute dumpster fires is because I have this huge chapter Based on TBHK (Toilet bound Hanako kun) that I'm working on for this book so I hope you enjoy that one when I put it out but please do take this one for now, this one will be a little shorter cause I have no idea what to write n e ways to enjoy!

<<3rd POV>>
Gender Neutral
"L/n-same" a voice called as Y/n stared out at the cloudy sky. "Yes?" Y/n asked as they turned around to look at their maid. "You're mother would like to have a word with you. Please come quick, the madam doesn't seem to want to wait today" she said, as she bowed. Y/n nodded as they removed themselves from the window. Quickly slipping on their shoes, they follow the maid outside.

Growing up, Y/n had never gotten much attention from her parents, whether it be positive or negative. Those rare moments of some attention eventually turned into something Y/n cherished after their father had passed, and because they couldn't capture the memories then, they picked up photography and eventually scrapbooking. This was Y/n L/n, the ultimate scrapbooker, it doesn't really seem like something important but to them, it was everything, keeping their past memories in scrapbooks that they put care into.

At first, Y/n thought they really weren't good enough for the title but after seeing their now best friend and longtime crush, Nagito trash on himself, they grew a mutual bond between each other that eventually grew into a blossoming friendship where they'd always be there for each other.

Y/n's train of thought was ended abruptly by the sound of their maid. "We're here, L/n-sama" Y/n nodded, before knocking on the door. "Come in" they heard, so Y/n opened the door, walking inside before lighting closing it. "Did you need something, mother?" Y/n asked as they stared nervously at their mother. "Yes, I heard you've been skipping out on class, weren't you excited about going to hopes peak?" Her mother asked as she fiddled with her pen.

"I- well it wasn't what I expected it to be, plus the teacher doesn't even show up!" Y/n protested as they sat down in the chair in front of their mother. "Ah, well in that case we're moving you to a new school, and, we have arranged a marriage for you. "YOU ARRANGED A WHAT?!" Y/n hollered as they slammed the hands on the table in front of them. Y/n's mother fake coughed. "Excuse me, you shan't speak up such loudly" Y/n's mother whispered as Y/n sat back down with their arms crossed.

"I'm moving you to a new school and you're gonna marry this Hajime, Hajime Hinata and there's nothing you can do about it, now Y/n sweetie please go back to your room" Y/n grit their teeth as they stomped back to their room. 


Y/n's phone rang loudly on the bed as they quickly ran to it, grabbing it.


[ accept call ]

Yes<     No

As soon as Y/n picked up, they heard Nagito's panicking voice. "Y/n-sama, was what I heard true?" Y/n didn't know what to respond with. "I- What do you mean?- What is true?" Y/n asked. Y/n could hear hard breathing, footsteps, and the trickling of rain through the phone. "You're're not gonna leave me right? You're not gonna...marry someone else, right?" Y/n gulped. "Sorry,'s true I...I'm being put into an arranged marriage..." Y/n could hear Nagito's breathing grow thicker as Y/n continued.

"Nagito, I have something to tell you, I- I love you, so much I can't imagine a world of being with someone else..." suddenly, the footsteps stopped. "Y/n-sama? I...I love you too, and I'm heading to your house right now, please wait for me, please..."

"Ok, I'll wait...For as long as you need..." And so, a plan went forth. As Y/n saw their white haired best friend at their front gates, Y/n quickly opened the window, hesitant to jump up. "You promise you'll catch me?" Nagito nodded. "With everything I've got!" Y/n quickly slipped out of the window, jumping down. Nagito quickly moved to the place Y/n falls and because of his luck, he managed to catch his best friend and lover. 

"Thank you...I love you"

"I love you too"

Word count: 723

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