Missing you

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It was a rainy Saturday morning as Y/n walked through the empty playgrounds of Japan, you were currently at the age of 8 as you and your best friend, Nagito Komaeda played on the swing set.

"n/n~sama, we're gonna get married when we get older right?" He asked. Blushing a little, as your flustered self looked at him and said. "N-nagito~kun!" You huffed a little as he looked at you once more, he looked serious. After looking at his face is when you decided. "Awe... ok fine! When we grow older we can get married! Just like when we play family together"

9 years, 9 years since that event on that fateful day had happened, and yet there wasn't a single trace of him in your home town anymore. Now it was just you, wandering those empty streets of your town, all those precious memories of you and Nagito playing in the city's just got you to miss him more.

One day, a few people came over to visit the town, now because the town you live in is so old, you knew barely any news about the outside, so when you found out that you're best friend had died in a killing game, you were absolutely devastated. You thanked the people for informing you about it then ran to the same playground for 9 years ago, it was a bit torn up but the swing set was still functioning. Collapsing on the floor, you cried for a while, only to feel a soft touch on your shoulder and a voice.

"I'm ready to be with you, Y/n"

A/n: You're still here right? Ok ok good this is from my quotev stash that only one group of ppl have ever read so you probably won't find in my account cause it's on an alt.

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