Dear Diary||Fem!reader||Fluff

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A/n: I got my braces today they hurt like a bitch, I also twisted my ankle but that couldn't get me ready for my braces
Also tell me what kind of tropes and character dynamics you like (Ima be editing the book layout again soon) I am so done I'm so tired good night

TW: brief mention of P3k0 and F*y*h!k0

TLDR: Nagito finds your diary where you've rambled about him since the start of the school year (lazily written since it only mentions 4 things)

F/c = favorite color/colour

<<3rd POV>>

Y/n's heart raced as she ran back to her classroom in a panic, 'shit' she thought to herself, hair flying into her face. Huffing, she finally found her diary, "Thank god" she mumbled to herself as she grabbed the Diary and shoved it into her backpack, 'I swear if someone saw that' she thought to herself as she prepared herself to leave the room like nothing had ever happened, must then, she felt a hand pull her into a hug from behind.

Instantly, the familiar sent of her crush entered her nose. Instantly, her cheeks turned a vibrant shade of red, her ears, dusted a pink color. "I saw what you wrote in your diary, I didn't know someone like you could be so fond of me" he teases as he loosens his grip on her. The white haired boy's warmth continued to linger on the girl's skin.

"W-what do you mean?" She managed to stutter as he gently grabs her hand, tracing his long pale fingers on them. "Well, I'm sure you've already figured it out, but I had to talk with Ms. Yukizome when I noticed that there was a notebook on the floor. I went to pick it up, and to my surprise, it was your diary. Honestly, I wasn't going to look at it but..." he huffed before saying, "I was curious cause I liked you."

That caused the H/c haired girl's face to once again flush a bright red. "W-well, what did you see?"

- an hour ago -
"Thanks again, Ms. Yukizome" the marshmallow haired boy sighed as the ginger haired woman nodded. "Of course! Oh, is that yours?" She said, pointing towards a small f/c notebook, picking it up, he noticed that it was from Y/n. "Oh, this must be Y/n's I'll return it to her tomorrow" Ms. Yukizome nodded, before waving a goodbye, "see you tomorrow, Nagito, have a good night!" With that, she left the room.

Nagito sat back down at his desk, flipping open the f/c book, looking through the pages, he skimmed over all of what seemed to be important.

Janurary 15th, xxxx
Dear diary, today I finally got to talk to Nagito! Ms.Yukizome finally put the two of us in a group together! Well- and also Peko and Fuyuhiko.

Janurary 20th, xxxx
Today's class wasn't too interesting, I spent most the time looking at Nagito with his Lucious white hair and gray green hopeful eyes, and his lips- oh his lips look so soft- what am I saying? Now my face is all red, ugh whatever

Janurary 31st, xxxx
Today Ibuki went shopping with me- and we'll- pretty much exposed me to the whole group of people I was shopping with, she said, and I quote, "oh wait, you like Nagito, right?"

February 10th, xxxx
So now Ibuki's forcing me to buy something for Nagito since Valentine's Day is in 4 days, ugh but what if he finds out...I'm getting all flustered again, I think I'll stop writing now

February 14th, xxxx
Today I gave Nagito the present I made, I crammed in a knitted four leaf clover keychain in 4 days, honestly, I was only able to do it cause it was Nagito, whatever I'm pretty sure he liked it since I saw his face light up, and possibly saw his face dusted a light pink.

"And after all that, I put the book down since I heard someone coming" Nagito concluded, only to see the E/c eyed girl's face and ears flushed a dark red, "now now, don't go blushing too much yet" he said, before holding Y/n's hand. "Will you be my lover, Y/n?" By then, the h/c haired girl had already fainted, Nagito couldn't blame her though, seeing all the things she wrote about him in her diary, it was probably like a dream come true for her to have her crush like her back. Sighing, he carried her bride style out of the school, he didn't know where she lived but knowing his luck, they'd get to her house eventually.

Word count: 768

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