Vulnerable || Fluff..? || Fem.

565 11 8

Bruh I'm too into friends to lovers tho I do prefer fantasy au cause magic is a thing :]
To sum it up, Fluff with a bad ending :)

Possible TW for: M!k4n Tsum!k!

<<3rd POV>>
Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as she stared at Nagito, her best friend of 4 years who was currently laying his head on his desk, sleeping away. 'Shit, I think I'm in love' she thought to herself as she looked away from the marshmallow-haired boy.

Y/n groaned as Mikan who sat a desk away from Mikan tapped Y/n on the shoulder. "U-uhm Y-y/n? I was w-wondering i-if it was pos-possible that y-you well maybe..." Mikan stuttered, mumbling the last part of the sentence. "What was that, Tsumiki-san? I couldn't hear that well" Y/n said, laying her head on the table.

As Mikan rambled about how it was nothing, Y/n blocked out her voice and unknowingly started to talk. "There's this boy I like, he has fluffy white locks and beautiful green-gray eyes, and every time I look at those hopeful eyes of his, I feel my heart fluttering and I fall harder, and it really doesn't help that he's my best friend"

"What?!" Mikan says, louder than she intended, as soon as she does, she covers her mouth. "I-I'm sorry L/n-chan, I-I didn't mean to say it loudly! Please don't hurt me" Y/n raised bother her hands defensively, "C-calm down, Tsumiki-san! I'd do no such thing!" Mikan let her arms slip to her sides as she calms back down. 

Over her shoulder, Y/n could hear a familiar voice. "I guess the cat's out of the bag"  Nagito hummed, as Y/n turned around, covering her mouth. "Shit- When did you wake up?!-" Nagito chuckled, "I was never asleep, Y/n-chan" At this moment, Y/n knew, she f*cked up.

Nagito did his regular laugh, the one that Y/n had grown to love, before saying. "Don't worry Y/n-chan, I like you too! But I think we should just stay friends for now" Y/n gulped. "A-alright". But nothing would have prepared her for the days that followed.

From that day forward, Y/n would get a note on her desk, that always said something along the lines of. 'Good morning, Y/n, today is a wonderful day to be alive, isn't it, have a good day!' For weeks, she got these notes, at first she thought it was creepy, but soon, she came to appreciate the act of kindness.

'I wonder who these could be from' Y/n thought to herself as Mikan once again tapped Y/n on the shoulder. "H-hey Y/n? What are those-those notes you get e-every morning?" Y/n shrugged, "They honestly look like random Pinterest quotes, honestly" Over her shoulder, she could hear Ibuki snickering maturely.

"Hey, how about you come extra early tomorrow and just find out that way?" Ibuki suggests. Y/n nodded. "Sure, I could give that a try" So on the very next morning, Y/n came into class at 5 in the morning, and just sat there, but no one ever came. 'Huh, weird' she thought to herself, as her classmates poured into the classroom, but in the crowd of people, Nagito wasn't there. Ibuki skipped over to Y/n. "So did ya catch whoever was writing those notes?" Y/n shook her head. "No luck" the clock ticked as Ms. Yukizome walked in, yet no Nagito in sight.

Ms. Yukizome cleared her throat, "Unfortunately, our classmate Nagito has died from degenerative brain disease."

Word Count: 576 (Sorry this one was shorter)

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