Petals of Despair || Female

705 15 4

A/n: just before we start, this is semi descriptive on the blood part and also there is mention of M!k4n in the fic (untagged) so if that's a trigger ya might wanna skip this chapter, anyways enjoy! Have a good day fellas, byeeee

- Angst with happy ending but not really angst cuz i feel like it's not sad but it's classified as angst -

Female reader
3rd POV

- Hanahaki Au -

Bright red blood trickled down the h/c haired girl's pale lips as she coughed into the bloodier up sink. It had been a week or so since this had started, Y/n dug her fingers in her head, somewhat frustrated. So much had gone on, but what had even started this Hanahaki disease? The girl always thought that was only a work of fiction so never in a million years could she have guessed that she would be the one puking up flowers.

She stared down at the bloodied up Iris Xiphium petals. At this point the girl may as well die from blood loss, as she stared at herself, her vision blurred and the h/c haired girl collapsed on the hard solid ground. Creating a loud 'thud' noise.

About an hour later, Y/n finally regained her senses, sitting next to her was Sonia Nevermind, reading a book. Y/n rubbed her eyes and tried to get up. Noticing the movement, Sonia took her eyes off of the book and lightly pushed the h/c haired girl down. "Don't move, Y/n-chan! Mikan-san said it would be seriously bad if you did."

Y/n rubbed her head as she looked up. "What even happened?" Sonia scratched her head and answered. "Well, I wanted to come over but you wouldn't answer your phone and that was really unlike you so I came over and found you passed out in the bathroom, the was blood and flowers everywhere- wait a minute" Sonia's eyes widened at the realization, "Y/n-chan! Why didn't you by tell me you had the Hanahaki disease, I'm you're best friend!

Y/n signed, "Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you I just... didn't wanna worry you, y'know?" Sonia's frowned. "Seeing you passed out out of nowhere worries me even more, anyways you have to confess to whoever you like" Y/n shakes her head rapidly. "No- no way he'd ever like me anyways" They had a minute of silence before Milan walked back in the room and said.

"Y/n-San, you need t-to tell the person you like that you like them, o-or else you may have to remove it with surgery or worse, die!" Y/n rubbed her temple, defeated as she finally decides. "Fine, I'll do it..." and that's how she ended up on her phone searching for Nagito's phone number and rung him up.

"Hello? Nagito? Are you there?" The girl managed to call out, her voice sounding raspy. "yeah, but Y/n, are you ok? You sound sick." Y/n gave a light chuckle, the pain in the throat still as painful as ever, but it was about to be over.

"Nagito, I have something I need to tell you, I... I like" at that moment, she felt a rush of flowers and blood gushing out of her mouth, blood dripping from her lips as her skin grows paler. "Take it easy!" Mikan says lightly as she uses a wet towel to wipe the blood dripping from the girl's mouth. The girl continued, she felt her consciousness fade, her voice becoming raspier as she managed to choke out the last words. "Nagito, I like you" and instantly, she felt better. "I like you too" he responded. Guess fate had already guessed that a few seconds before it happened. "Also I'm heading over to you're house, you sound sick" Y/n chuckled lightly. "Yeah you can come over but don't you worry, I'm fine now, it was just...Hanahaki."

Word count: 666

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