Reaching out|| TBHK AU|| Female

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A/n: SPOILERS TO BOTH TBHK AND SDR3(the anime) also I'm only gonna do till the Misaki stairs if you want more, please tell me! Might write parts till it reaches manga spoilers but if we do reach that tell me if you want me to continue lol- this chapter is really long so buckle up buttercup

-Spoilers (duh)-

Possible trigger warning for gore and whatnot so uhm feel free to skip this long chapter :p

h/l = hair length

<<3rd POV>>

"Have you heard the rumors about the school seven wonders! Oh, you haven't? Well, where do I start? I"ll tell you the most famous one first. It's the seventh of the seven wonders. Hanako, the bathroom ghost. She's on the third stall of the third floor in the ruins of the old school, you can go there and summon her right now if you want! She'll grant you any wish no matter what it is. But she'll take something precious from you in exchange and you won't know what it is until it's too late. To call her you first have to knock 3 times, and then say..."


"Hanako-san, Hanako-san, Hanako-san, are you in there?" Y/n hesitantly mumbled as she knocked on the bathroom stall. After a little bit of Creeking which Y/n assumed was from the other bathroom stalls, she sighed before preparing to leave when she felt a hand on her head.

"You summoned me right, what did you need?" A white haired boy chimed. Y/n's eyes narrowed as she stared at the figure in front of her. He was somewhat transparent and was wearing an old Hope's Peak student outfit and a gray detective hat that looks like it was bought from a cosplay shop. For a split second, Y/n stared into the boy's pale green eyes before she jumped back, pointing at the ghost.

"YOU'RE HANAKO-SAN?! AREN'T YOU A GIRL" The girl screamed as The white haired boy in front of her raised both his hands and answered. "Well, not really, I really don't understand how they got Hanako from Nagito but it doesn't matter, I'm actually Nagito, and the inaccuracy in the rumor is actually too big, I am and always was a male, anyways enough of me introducing myself, tell me your wish."

"Well, I want my crush to like me back" Y/n mumbled as Nagito nodded, pulling out a notebook and a pen before writing something in it. "You're name is?" The H/c Haired girl pulled out her ID card, showed it to the ghost boy in front of her, and said. "My name is Y/n L/n" Nagito nodded before moving to his next question. "And your ultimate is?"

"I'm the ultimate scrapbooker" The girl replied. After scribbling in his notebook a little more, Nagito pulled out a book and handed it to the girl in front of him. "Here you go! This should be good enough considering I don't wanna ruin your life" Y/n stared dumbfounded at the book before swiping it away from the boy in front of her. "You do realize I want magic and not a book about how to get into a relationship right? If I wanted that I could have just bought it at the store"

Nagito scratched his head, keeping his calm personality. "Well, as I said before, I don't wanna risk your life, if I used magic for this, it'd cost at least an arm and a leg, and I literally mean your arm and leg" Y/n shuddered before sighing. "Fine, I guess we could try these out"


The first thing they wanted to try was making a bento box for this crush of hers. As Y/n went to the gardening club to ask for some ingredients, Nagito floated next to her. "You know, I just realized you never told me any details about your crush" Y/n could only smile as she put her hand on her chin. "Well, his name is Tanaka-san, he has black hair and he has these adorable hamsters that are always around him and-" Before she could finish her sentence, she was rudly interrupted by the ghost boy beside her.

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