Granted Wish

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!I took this from my quotev account!

<<Nagito POV>>

It was finally time... it was currently (the day before your birthday) at 11:50 pm, me, Y/n and the rest of the classroom were all partying, Y/n was going to turn 18 in about 10 minutes, and when she does, time will stop for everyone besides her soulmate. Honestly, I was kinda anxious I don't know if It's obvious of not but I definitely had a crush on Y/n, her beautiful H/c Hair, and Shimmering E/c eyes that sparkle with hope. Soon, the time finally came.











<<1st POV>>

Looking around, everyone else had frozen, well everyone besides Nagito. I blushed as I looked at him, he looked back at me."Well, that's just my luck!" He said with a small smile. I walked towards him and leaned into his open arms.

"Oh, Nagito how lucky am I? Well, I guess I should confess... N-nagito Komaeda... I like you...a lot!" His grin grew wider,

"You know, Y/n~Chan, I like you too" Suddenly, the red string connecting us appeared. Walking out to the porch, we shared a soft, tender kiss out in the moonlight. After coming back, everyone was unfrozen again and either smirking at us or clapping. I blushed as Nagito smiled and said.

"Oh how lucky I am to have a girlfriend such as Y/n~chan!"

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