Marry Me? || Female || Fluff

676 17 1

A/n: First request! Thank you for requesting :D anyways, this one's just fluff on top of fluff, please enjoy! I know today isn't his birthday but WhAt eVeR
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Y/n gently knocks on Nagito's door, in her hand was a banquet of flowers. Today was Nagito's birthday and Y/n had a special plan for it. Y/n waited patiently as Nagito walked over to open the door. "Ah, Good morning, Y/n" The White-haired boy said, smiling sweetly.

"Good afternoon, Nagito!" Y/n cheered as she handed the flowers to Nagito. "Here, I got these for you- Oh and Happy birthday!" Y/n hummed. Nagito blushed, "I can't believe I've been with you for what seems like 6 years now, and I still blush at everything you do"

Y/n chuckled before digging her hand in her bag. "Right, I almost forgot about these," She said as she handed Nagito a present wrapped in green wrapping paper. There was a dark green bow tied to the top and a note stapled to one of the bow which read: 'Happy birthday, my love!'

"Go ahead and open it" Y/n said enthusiastically as Nagito pulled on the bow and cut open the wrapping paper. Inside the wrapping paper was a little box with a keyhole. "Hold onto this until I tell you to gimmie, could ya?" Y/n asked, which Nagito nodded to.

"Great, now let's go to the park" The girl hummed, grabbing onto Nagito's arm and pulling him outside. "Hold on, lemme put on my shoes" he said as he slipped on his shoes.

The two walked side by side down the street when Nagito stopped. "Hey, what's in the box?" He asked. "You'll find out very soon" Y/n chuckled as she grabbed onto Nagito's hand, intertwining her fingers with his own.

"Look's like we're here," Y/n said, pointing at the park. "Looks like we are" Nagito hummed as he plopped down on a bench. Finally, at the end of the day, Y/n dragged Nagito to the fountain in the middle of the park. "Hey Nagito, you know you're awfully handsome right?" Nagito smiled. "Really? You think so?" Y/n nodded. "Course!"

The two sat in comfortable silence before Y/n gulped, opening her mouth to speak, " Nagito, it's been 6 years since we've been together, and every moment I've spent with you was always amazing weather I was happy or sad, smiling or crying, and I've loved you for so long, so..." Y/n took a key out of her bag. "Could you please give me the box I gave you?" Nagito nodded, handing it to Y/n. With that, Y/n pushed the key into the box, unlocking it and kneeled down.

"Will you marry me?" Nagito smiled, taking Y/n's hand. "of course I will"
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I'm sorry this one was shorter since I was procrastinating for too long LOL anyways time for the word count <3
Word count: 500

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