Snowy Day

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Before you guys say anything, this was taken from my quote account, don't @ me :>This takes place before the killing game and after ms. Yukizome came.

<<1st pov>>

Snow lightly fell from the sky as I made my way towards school.

"Hey y/n, do you mind if I walk to school with you, I mean I know you probably don't wanna walk to school with some trash like me but still-" I heard a voice say from behind me, turning around, I realized it was none other then Nagito Komaeda.

"Oh hey Komaeda, of course, you can!" I smiled and said to him.

"wow, thanks! other than (your talent) you're also super high school leveled kind, gives me so much hope!" He mumbled as I chuckled and said.

"I don't think I should be called 'super high school leveled kind' you know, we've been dating for a while now, and plus no one deserves to do things alone. Also, don't call yourself trash!"He simply smiled at me.

After a bit of silently walking to school, I felt him hold my hand, his hand was quite warm, it was also pretty comfortable to hold.

"I hope you don't mind trash like me holding your hand" He said. Using my other hand to facepalm I told him.

"For the last time! You're not trash, your my boyfriend, plus if I thought you were trash then why would we be together, we're together because I love you and you love me!" Without thinking I shoved my face towards his and we shared a warm kiss. Suddenly I could hear my friend Ibuki shouting.

"LOVE BIRDS!~"Pulling away, I ran towards Ibuki and pounced on her. "IBUKI!" I whined as she laughed. Soon the three of us arrived at hopes peak academy.

"What took you guys so long?" Huffed Hiyoko Saionji as Ms. Yukizome waved good morning to us.

"oh the two love birds where just making out" Ibuki laughed, answering Saionji's question.

Word count: 327

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