Disaster || fluff || Gender Neutral

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A/n: May 11th was my birthday nd I wanted to write something for it but I didn't so this is just gonna be me writing the oneshot today n e ways this one will b short cuz I'm in class rn, aLsO this is in 1st POV i FoRgOt hOw To wRiTe 1st POV XD Also me debating if I should upload this chapter be like-

V/N: Video name

B/D: Birth Day

<<1st POV (Y/n's POV)>>

I run my fingers through my hair as I stare at my phone.

'Currently no messages' it read as I sighed. Today was B/D, my birthday yet none of my classmates have said anything. Not even my best friend Nagito! Would you believe that?! With nothing else to do, I decided to scroll through Wetube, it was filled with my regular feed I clicked on V/N an enjoyed myself for the time being.

After what seemed to be hours of binging, I suddenly heard a 'ding' from my phone. What could that be? I clicked on the notification only to be met with a message from Nagito. "Could you meet me at my house?" 

So that's how I ended up walking to Nagito's house. When I knocked on the door, it quickly opened and Nagito rushed me indoors. In front of me was all my friends and my teacher too! Ibuki threw confetti at me while Peko came to give me a present. Ms Yukizome happily cheered for me and at this moment, I cried tears of happiness. "T-thank you all" I manged to stutter out as they all hugged me.

We all had cake, partied a little and played a few games. At the end of the day, I was brought outside by Nagito, he was holding my hand as the two of us looked out at the view. "Hey Y/n?" He started. "Yes?" I responded as I looked him in the eyes but he seemed to avoid my gaze by staring at the floor.

"Y/n, I love you! Please be my lover!"

Word count: 320

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