chapter 5 - free

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I inhaled a silent gasp and my hand flew to the back of my neck, rubbing it awkwardly. I stared at the wall behind her, trying to drown out her dangerous stare.

"George." she crossed her arms and huffed out a breath, not taking her eyes off me. I bit my lip nervously, desperately thinking of an excuse. "Hmm?"

"What were you doing?" she tapped her foot, raising her eyebrows as she awaited an answer.

"At Windenburg, meeting Fiona. What does it- what's wrong?" The front door opened as I finished my sentence, and Wilbur walked in with a soft smile, slipping past us and ignoring our conversation.

"Wilbur," Niki grumbled, and he stopped in his tracks and walked to her side, oblivious to the stench of smoke on my jacket.

"What? What's up?" he put his hands in his pockets, trying to read his wife's flat stare.

"Does Windenburg really smell that bad?" she leaned forward, bringing her voice low, almost to a mocking whisper.

"Uh, no.." I scratched the back of my neck again.

She scoffed as she got impatient. "Were you smoking? And with who?"

Wilbur's eyes shot open and he looked me up and down, his hands still in his pockets. I sighed and brought my hand down from my neck, slapping it on my thigh in defeat. "Yeah, I did." I confessed, keeping my gaze on the ground.

"Why?" she snorted, turning her hands upwards as she shook her head slightly. "You know what I've said about that,"

"I know what you said! I just- wanted to try it. See what it felt-"

"This is our second argument today. I can't do this right now," she objected, holding her hands up as she stormed into the other room. I stood in silence, stuffing my hands into my pockets and biting my bottom lip. I looked up at my dad without moving my head, and he leaned back as he watched Niki walk away, waiting until she was out of earshot. Then he tilted his head toward me and lowered his voice. "I understand, George, I do."


"She told me what you said earlier. I know you're- annoyed, with the whole situation, and I know the royal life isn't as great as it seems. It's not as easy as it looks and I'm honestly glad it took you so long to realize." he explained, moving his head to the side to brush his curls out of his face. "I don't blame you."

My eyebrows furrowed in astonishment but a smile tugged at my lips, and all I could do was nod my head. "Thanks, dad."

"Was it with Fiona, though?" he relaxed his posture, grateful to have gotten out of an unnecessary quarrel. I chuckled lightly and shook my head.

"No, her brother, actually. He was pretty cool."

"Oh, alright." he shrugged, seeming pleased. "It's getting late, you might want to head to bed."

I nodded and started to walk away, but before I did I stopped beside him and pulled him into a hug. "Thank you, dad. For understanding. I won't do it again." He was shocked at first, considering I didn't show affection that often, but he wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on the top of my head. "Of course, son."

After a few moments I said goodnight and wandered upstairs. I hopped in the shower and rinsed off the odor, chucking my clothes lazily into the laundry basket. Once I was clean, I turned off the lights and was ready to fall asleep, but not before I heard a mellow knocking at my door.

I hesitated for a moment, about to pretend to be asleep, but I decided I'd be better off to just let them enter. "Come in," I called from my bed.

Becca pushed the door open and walked over to my bed, plopping down on the side of it silently. The only light in the room was through the crack in the door from the hallway, and I could just about make out her soft features.

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