chapter 25 - bitter

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"So... what the hell?" I said to Karl as Clay and I entered the house, finding the two boys curled up on the couch beside each other.

Karl shrugged as we sat down on the adjacent couch. "We're clueless. Who could've gotten in here anyway? Have you given anyone a key?" he asked as he turned to Nick, who shook his head hopelessly.

The room fell silent, and my eyes wondered to the ground as thoughts ran though my mind. It seemed stupid, impossible even, how and why anyone would do such a thing. The dots weren't connecting. It wasn't adding up.

"Unless there was someone else behind it," I muttered outloud, voicing my thoughts. Everyone looked at me expectantly as I searched for my words.

"It has to be Schlatt," I said, watching Clay's expression grow irritated. "Hear me out," I added quickly as I looked away from him. "That's the only reasonable explanation. He must be trying to get in our way," I explained, waving my finger inbetween Clay and I. "I don't know- distract us before the wedding, or something."

Nick shared a confused exchange with Karl before looking up at me. "Why us?"

"I haven't figured that out yet," I replied gently, almost feeling like I was letting them down.

We had little time before the wedding, time slipping through my fingers as I tried to save it. My palms started to sweat as I realized how much I wanted to be happy with Clay, how much I wanted Nick and Karl to be happy. They didn't deserve to be put in the middle of this. Of us. Our screwed up fairytale.

I brought my head up slowly and locked my eyes with Karl's, who's were shining with his usual bright energy, but now included a mix of sorrow, confusion- distraught. He didn't know what went on behind the castle walls. He didn't see the pain Clay had been through, the stupid shit he has dealt with.

Not that I was blaming him, but it still angered me how good of an act Schlatt had put on for his townsfolk. They were clueless. Only seeing the royals as shy and quiet, not wanting to 'draw attention'.

As my heart rate started to quicken, I felt a soft hand gently fall on my back. I looked up at Clay, the one who had been there since the beginning of all this. His tall form hovering over me, a gentle giant that only longed for peace and love. I let out a ragged breath and leaned my head forward so it was resting on his chest. His arms found their way around me and brought me closer, enveloping me in a warmth I could only feel from him.

In his arms, it felt like it was going to be okay. He made it feel alright. Even if he didn't believe it himself.

"We'll figure it out, like we always do, right?" I asked quietly, placing my chin into his shirt so I could look up at him.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on the edge of my nose. I smiled, making one break on his lips too. "Of course we will."

"I promise."


Promises are meant to be broken, right?

As I stood in front of the full length mirror, tightening my tie, I struggled to hold back the tears that had been threatening to spill over for days. I ran my hands over my gray suit, the baby blue collar sticking above my coat. I choked back a horrendous sob and sniffled, frantically straightening out the fabric in an attempt to calm myself.

Your wedding day is supposed to be the best day of your life. For me, it seemed like it would be the first of many unfortunate events.

A knock from behind the dressing room door caused me to jump slightly, and I called a small greeting after collecting myself. The door creaked open and revealed Wilbur dressed in a black suit, looking proud as ever, but I couldn't help but catch a slight glimpse of sadness in his eyes. His white framed glasses were big and slightly funny, but it helped uplift my gloomy mood. He smiled as I turned around, holding a clear box in his hand as he made his way over to me.

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