chapter 15 - out

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Clay walked me all the way back to Brindleton, holding my hand the entire journey. Thankfully no one else took the path from Windenburg to Brindleton, as it wasn't very often people from both kingdoms were friends.

The rain had eased a bit, but the storm still pushed on, making me jump every few minutes. Instead of laughing or making fun of me, he continued to hum the tune that was quickly becoming my favorite song.

I skipped up the front steps, turning around and sighing when I reached the top, as Clay was trudging up slowly.

"It's not that far of a walk!" I exclaimed, shrugging my shoulders dramatically.

"It is when your clothes are sopping wet," he deadpanned as he gripped the railing.

When he got to the top step, I grabbed his hand and pulled him up before dragging him into the courtyard. We stumbled through the overgrown gates, and I lead him to a bench, but stayed standing as I held both his hands.

"Why'd you-"

"Shh. I just wanted to say goodbye," I cut him off, placing my finger on his lips as I leaned closer to his face.

"Why here?" he asked, lowering his voice as he looked into my eyes.

"It's nice, and.. private." I replied simply.

A smile grew on lips. "Someone might see us," he reminded me, tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"I don't mind," I whispered, leaning my head closer.

"You do mind," he responded as he pushed me further away. "I'm not doing this here."

I rolled my eyes and locked my gaze on a plant behind him. He smiled again, and I felt his eyes examine my face while I looked away.

"Thank you for today," I concluded, moving on from the subject.

"Anytime, bubba. I'll see you again soon, okay?" he muttered softly, stroking my cheek with the back of his hand. I couldn't help but smile at the nickname.

I leaned into his hand and felt a wave of sadness rush over my heart, feeling my shoulders sink down. "I wish we could be open about this," I croaked, my throat feeling like it was shrinking.

"Me too." he replied quietly.

We stood in silence, keeping my gaze on the ground, not wanting to look into his warm eyes anymore. I suddenly felt like crying, but I took a deep breath and tried to swallow the lump in my throat. I fumbled with my hands before he took them in his and made me look up at him.

"I've got to go, it's getting dark. Bye George," he said quietly, pulling my hands closer to his chest. I nodded softly and brought my face to his, letting my lips linger on his for a moment before pulling away.

I stood silently as I held onto his hand as long as I could before his grasp broke away, and I watched him walk through the gate and disappear around the corner.

"The hell?" a voice echoed against the walls of the courtyard, and I was shocked out of my state of sadness and snapped my head in the direction of the sound.

My heart leaped in my throat and I widened my eyes, taking a step back. My eyes frantically searched the shadowed garden for a moment before locking my eyes with hers, and I immediately pressed my lips together in embarrassment.

"Care to explain that?!" Becca shouted, stomping over to me, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind a row of bushes in the courtyard. I followed behind her, my legs staggering as I tried to wrap my mind around what was happening.

Once we were behind the bushes she dropped my hand and spun around, placing her hands out in front of her in the air.

"George?" she asked loudly, her hand grabbing my shoulder and shaking my body. "Talk to me!"

stormy weather (dreamnotfound)Where stories live. Discover now