chapter 7 - terrorized

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tw: aggression, blood //


"What?" I spluttered, dropping his sweatshirt to the ground. "You want to run away? Right now?"

He shrugged. "Just for tonight." he turned to face me.

"Are you out of your mind?!" I pressed forward, trying to find the humor in his eyes.


I pushed his arms to shove him back, and I started to turn in the other direction. He grabbed my arm, swiveling me back around, so we were face to face.

"You don't have to think about it. Just come with me," he explained. "We can go into town, we can see life as normal people would." I bit my lip and looked away from his pleading eyes.

"What if the-"

His hand reached up to my chin and he pulled my face back to his, locking our eyes. "Forget about the what if's, you'll end up wandering about the should have's."

"That was cringe," I muttered, earning an eyeroll from him.

He dropped his hand and turned to walk away, but I reached my hand out and grabbed his wrist. He flinched at the motion, and I immediately relaxed my grip, scared I had hurt him.

I reached up for the crown on my head, taking it off and admiring it in the moonlight for a moment. I noticed him smile slightly as I chucked it in the bush.

"I'll come with you," I replied. "Since you're so lonely, of course."

The smile that had grown on his face faded and he pouted, reaching his hand out to lead me down the steps.

"Stop being a baby. You're so manipulative," I brushed his hand away as I trudged down the stairs in the dark.

"You're not so bad yourself."


When we arrived in downtown Brindleton, I stood in awe at the gates, appreciating the hustle of the town. Even though it was way past sunset, the town was as alive as ever. Cars drove down one side of the street while pedestrians strode down the other, drinks in their hands and ice cream cones in the children's. I admired the lights that hung above the street, cherishing the homely glow they gave off. Restaurants and shops lined the sides, people filing in, lines wrapped around the buildings.

Clay disrupted my adoring trance and jerked me behind a building, dragging me by the sleeve.

"Hey!" I gasped, dusting off my arm when he dropped it.

"Put it on," he urged, patting on the sweatshirt in my arms as he peered around the corner.

"Why?" I asked, even though I already started to put it on.

"They'll recognize the prince, dumbass." he tapped the tip of my nose and laughed. I rolled my eyes and pulled the hood over my head, the big sleeves draping over my hands.

"Where do you want to go?" I asked, fumbling with the sweatshirt sleeves.

"Well, first-" he abruptly pushed me against the brick wall, knocking the air out of my lungs. He placed his forearm across my chest, blocking my airway for a brief moment. I stood frozen under his gaze, unsure of his next move.

Is he going to-

"Give me that," he growled, reaching in my back pocket and stealing his cigarettes back. He released his grip on me and stepped back casually, digging out the lighter from his own pocket.

"You son of a bitch," I muttered, scowling at him as I pressed my hand on my chest to catch my breath. "I thought you were gonna mug me or something."

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