chapter 2 - tension

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I paused before entering the ballroom. My hands were slick with sweat and I felt my heart leap in my throat. I knew it wouldn't go perfect, I knew he was going to find a way to make an unfair deal with my father. I just wasn't sure what yet.

I took a sharp breath, held my chin up, and trudged silently into the room. My presence made eyes turn on me, and I felt gazes burning into the back of my head as I made my way to the front of the ballroom. My father sat on his flame colored throne, his golden scepter held confidently in his right hand. Mother sat in her soft navy seat, hands placed neatly in her lap, and she gave me a delicate smile as I walked up. I turned around and sank into my chair, the silky velvet bringing a bit of comfort to the situation.

The air was thick and I found it difficult to breathe. I pulled on my collar nervously, looking up and scanning the room for the first time. On our side of the room, servants and knights stood frozen, watching the king patiently, waiting for him to speak. I drifted my gaze to the opposite side, and my breath hitched in my throat when I caught sight of the powerful family that sat just a tables length away.

The first thing I noticed were the horns coming out of his crown.

I swallowed thickly as I studied our competition. The king leaned back in his chair, head held high, one eyebrow raised in anticipation. His intimidating black eyes shone aggressively at us, and I wanted to sink into my chair and fade away. His red cape flowed behind him, his sharp side burns looked like they were shaved with a blade.

My gaze focused on the people beside him. Two girls sat stiffly next to each other, one a little older than the other. Their silver dresses clung sweetly to their bodies, and their neatly curled hair grazed over their shoulders. They whispered to each other anxiously, quiet enough I couldn't even hear the sound of chatting. 

The person that really caught my eye was the boy that sat on the other side of the king. His emerald green suit matched his jade eyes, his dirty blonde hair was ruffled carelessly. His golden crown was lopsided on his head, and he held his head in his hand, elbow on the side of the chair, looking at the wall behind me sleepily.

The thing that terrified me the most was that I recognized him.

"Let us begin," my father spoke, breaking the terribly uncomfortable silence.

"Why have you come to us today, Schlatt?"

The king parted his lips and sighed. "You know why I'm here," he stated, his raspy voice echoing through the hall.

"Care to emphasize?" my father said as he propped his head up in his hand gracefully.

Schlatt rolled his eyes and huffed. "Difficult as always, Wilbur." A devilish smile grew on his face. "You know, that wonderful land of yours did a lot for me. It gave me riches, skill, power."

I felt Wilbur tense next to me, and my mother placed her hand gently on his shoulder, not breaking her cold stare at Schlatt. He stood up and paced around the room, continuing to talk.

"But, it wasn't enough, as you know. Shall I, go into detail about it?" he hummed, standing closer to us now.

"You caused the fall of L'manburg, Schlatt. You tore that country apart piece by piece, in front of my eyes, and then you left it behind and made a new one." Wilbur spat, clenching his jaw as he stared into the ground.

"That's true," he shrugged, walking back over to his seat. His children sat motionless, blank stares masked any emotion they felt.

"I want more land," he said, plopping down in his chair. "Scratch that, I need more land." He leaned closer to the table.

"Before you continue, aren't you aware that the entire royal family is supposed to attend conferences like this?" Wilbur stated, brushing off his past words. Schlatt furrowed his brows and tilted his head to the side.

"He means, where's your wife? Or did you chase her off again, just like the last one?" Niki added, shrugging her shoulders. I hid a smile under my hand.

"She was sick, your highness," he hissed.

"Sick of you."

"Niki!" Wilbur scoffed quietly. Niki smiled and leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs confidently.

Schlatt cleared his throat and continued with his pledge.

"But, I knew you wouldn't just give me the land. So I have a peace offering."

"Oh?" Wilbur asked as he raised his eyebrows, a smile forming on his face.

"I think we need to form an alliance."

"An alliance?" I blurted out, gripping the sides of my chair and frantically looking over at my parents.

"A marriage, perhaps?" Schlatt continued, ignoring my frenzied antics. 

"What are you saying?" Wilbur pressed on.

"I want George to marry my daughter."

"What?!" Schlatt's oldest daughter and I shot up out of our seats at the same time.

"Schlatt, this is outrageous." Niki said, drawing a line with her hand in the air as she stood up with us.

"Dad, what are you talking about?!" his daughter whined, throwing her hands in the air. He shushed her and she fell back into her chair, huffing as she crossed her arms. Her little sister reached over and placed her hand on her arm, which she brushed off. His son sat in dismay, his nails sinking into the arm rests silently.

"Everyone settle down," Wilbur called, hushing the ballroom. "Schlatt, follow me." The kings stormed into another room, leaving his kids facing my mother and I. I ran over to my mothers seat, kneeling down so I could whisper to her.

"Mother, what in the world am I supposed to do?" she pressed her lips together, eyes wandering around the room.

"I don't know, son. Wilbur will figure it out."


"Welp, the wedding is in two months." Becca said, dusting the bookshelf across my room.

"Two months?" I repeated, sighing as I leaned back in my chair. I faced the window in my bedroom, staring at the evening sky, the normally beautiful sunset was painted a pale yellow my vision granted me with. I raked my hand through my hair before rubbing it down my face.

"At least try to talk to her," Becca said, brushing her violet hair off her shoulder. I huffed and put my elbow on my knee and my chin in my hand.

"I can't believe dad just let him win, again," I muttered, shifting my gaze to the ground. "He gives up too easily."

"He's lost so much, George." Becca reminded me.

"He's about to lose his only son," I replied quietly. She sighed and dropped her duster, making her way over to my chair. She crouched down next to me, holding onto the arm rest and frowning.

"I hate sappy stuff," she murmured, rolling her eyes. "But, I will say that it probably won't last. Wilbur will come up with something." 

"That's what I thought last time, but then our nation fell apart," I added, folding my hands in my lap. "Thanks though, minx."

I chuckled as she stood up and shuffled back over to the bookshelf.

"When did you start calling me minx?" she asked, wiping her finger across a dusty book. 

"Cause you are one." I muttered, examining my hands as I pretended to be not paying attention. I could almost see her expression as she scoffed.

"What the fuck? Rude." her Irish accent rolled off her tongue, and I tried not to laugh.

A few minutes later, she left and I crawled in my bed, cradling my pillow in my arms and digging my chin into the cushioning. I sighed, wishing I had someone to whisper goodnight to. My parents had stopped tucking me in once I was an adult, but I missed it so much. Just because I spent all my time in my room doesn't mean I wanted to be alone. I felt my eyes slowly flutter closed, and I slipped into a dark, dreamless sleep.

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