chapter 14 - settled

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"What the hell happened to you?!" Wilbur cried, Niki gasping next to him. I stood in the doorway of my castle, my parents' jaws on the floor when they noticed my bruised up face. I ran my hand over my shirt collar, having flipped it up to hide the marks Clay had left.

"Long story," I replied quickly, pushing my way past them into the main hall.

"What do you mean long story? I've got time," Niki persisted, grabbing my shoulder and making me face her.

"I- punched Schlatt?" I replied, screwing up my face as I waited for her reaction.

"George Henry!" she shouted, her hands flying up to her face in dismay. "Why on Earth would you do that?"

"It didn't look like he won, either," Becca said from behind me, walking up to my side. I elbowed her and she shot me an amused glance.

"I had to, he was really getting on my nerves. It's nothing like it is here," I explained, rubbing the crease of my arm awkwardly.

"Windenburg is very different than Brindleton, son, but violence isn't always the answer." Wilbur remarked, placing his hand on Niki's shoulder.

She shoved his hand off and twisted her head towards him. "Isn't always? You mean never!" she reprimanded, waving her hand in his face. I knew Becca was holding in a laugh and I gave her a warning glance.

"You punched him first?" Becca asked, raising her eyebrows in surprise.

"Yeah, but he shot right back," I replied quietly.

"What did everyone else do? Did any knights try to stop you?" Niki pressed on, shaking her head from worry.

"No, his kids had to pull us apart." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, remembering my kiss with Fiona.

I brought my hand back down quickly when Becca reached up to flip my collar down, and I smacked her hand away. She flinched at my motion and I sneered at her, but she didn't seem to get the message.

"Well, this can't be good. How are you supposed to marry Fiona in six weeks when you can't even be in the same room as Schlatt without charging at him?" Wilbur asked, looking at me worriedly.

"You're gonna have to clean up your act," Niki suggested, crossing her arms.

"My act? Schlatt needs to get his own life fixed," I shot back. "I'm not the problem."

She sighed quickly as she found her words. "I know you're not, sweetheart, but you have to stay civil for us. We threw you into this situation, so I understand why you're trying to find a way out," Niki explained, her voice getting quieter as she calmed down. I smiled softly as she remembered to keep her promise.

Becca shifted uncomfortably next to me, and I stayed still under the concerned gaze of my parents.

"We'll worry about this next time we have to see them again. Goodnight George," my mom said softly, and I nodded as I pulled her into a hug.


I woke up the next morning in my own bed, feeling empty without him next to me. I sat up and stretched, then dragged myself out of bed and walked over to the window. I rubbed my eyes as I pulled the blinds up, revealing the overcast sky.

The clouds appeared to be full of rain, and I hoped for a springtime shower. Even though I hated storms, I still loved rain.

I trudged to my closet and got dressed before going to my bathroom to get ready.  As I brushed my teeth, I stared into the bathroom light, wondering what I was going to do. My face lit up when I decided to see Clay again, and once I was done I ran down the stairs. I almost tripped over my own feet when her voice caught me off guard.

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