chapter 6 - deception

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Before I even opened my eyes I felt the heavy pounding in my skull. My mouth was dry and my throat burned, and with one small movement of my leg I felt stiffness shoot through me. I was desperate for a drink of water, but the light pouring through the window was painfully bright, causing me to chuck the covers back over my head. A wave of nausea rushed over me and I prayed that I had painkillers nearby.

"Good morning sunshine," a voice called from the doorway. My eyes shot open and I rushed to a sitting position, my hand flying to my mouth as I recognized their face. A million memories flooded into my mind, only able to make out a few of them. I remembered climbing through the window, and being drunk off my ass, but nothing after that...

Did I have a- a one nigh-

"You look like shit," Clay whispered, holding in a laugh as he made his way over to the window, turning the blinds down.

"Thanks," I muttered sarcastically, leaning back onto the bed. "What the hell happened?"

Clay sat on the end of the bed, one leg hanging off, his hands shoved in his pockets. "A tad bit- under the influence," he laughed, and I swatted my hand towards him as my other one rubbed my head.

"I got that much," I scoffed, closing my eyes as I tried to massage away the headache. "You climbed through my window and fell asleep," he finished, running a hand through his hair.

"Swell," I grumbled. "What time is it?"

"One," replied walking over to the nightstand on the other side of the bed.

"One!" I repeated urgently, shooting up out of the bed. I immediately regretted it, drowsiness crashing down on me like a wave.

"I have to- go home.." I muttered, swaying in my stance.

"Woah, woah woah," he snapped, rushing to my side and gently pushing me back on the bed with one hand. "You're gonna break your head open if you try to walk, genius. Here." he tossed me a bottle of medicine and tilted his head towards the bottle of water on the table. I nodded in thanks and unscrewed the cap.

Once I had taken it, I brought the water down from my lips and felt some dribble down my chin and onto my clothes. I looked down to brush it off, but abruptly stopped my hand when I realized it wasn't my sweatshirt.

I glanced over at Clay, who was sitting on his phone in his desk chair, swiveling from side to side lightly. I cleared my throat and he looked up, raising his eyebrows, and I pointed mildly at my shirt with a sly smile pulling at my lips, awaiting his response.

"It was sitting on the end of my bed last night, you must've- put it on at some point," he mumbled, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. I snickered and took another sip of my water.

He scoffed and slapped his hand down on his leg. "You wished I had put it on you, though?" His unexpected words shocked me and I choked on my water, spitting it out and slamming the bottle on the nightstand as my other hand pounded a fist on my chest. My face went bright red, but hopefully he thought that was from the water. I gasped for air and wiped my face off with my hand, looking back in his direction.

"What the hell," I hissed in-between breaths, shaking my head. "I almost drowned." Clay burst out laughing, wheezing as he rocked back and forth in his chair.

"You sound like a deflating balloon," I spat, shrugging my shoulders in amused annoyance. He laughed even harder until he was gulping for air. I joined in too, even though my head pounded every time I giggled.

Once we recovered from our laughing fit, Clay drew in a sharp breath and put his elbow on the armrest, placing his chin in his hand. "Your parents think you stayed in a guest room, I'm pretty sure. They left at some point last night. I think they knew you were fucked, though." he held in another laugh as he finished his sentence.

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