finale (part 3)

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tw: blood, death


George's POV

The silent halls were interrupted by the sound of my shoes clacking through the halls hurriedly. I could almost hear my own blood pumping viciously as my body tried to gain oxygen, skin pulsing and face flushed scarlet- lungs aching while my chest heaved. I had never had to run this far before- even when I was running from the pink haired man it wasn't as bad as this. That was more of an exciting chase, this was a life or death situation.

And I knew she would've killed me if I didn't run.

Never in a million years would I think the gentle, caring Princess of Windenburg would become such a power-thirsty maniac. She had always given off that calming aura, like she was always at peace. Something had definitely switched inside of her the moment Clay came bursting through those doors.

I threw myself around a corner and my shoes skidded harshly across the ground. Just as I turned, I checked behind me one last time, finally getting Fiona off my tail.

I allowed myself a moment to breathe. My chest ached from breathing so heavily, clutching my side as the stitch in my stomach tightened. I took a moment to scan my surroundings. The hallway I was in was empty, giving off an eerie vibe that made me shudder. You should never feel this way on your wedding day.

Distant voices could be heard from behind a closed door. I couldn't recognize them yet, but I knew whoever it was that it wasn't a good sign. Everything in me was telling me not to enter. It was either follow the voices or submit defeat to my delirious fiancé. I kinda think the choice is obvious.

The door creaked open utterly slow, a deafening squeak that echoed throughout the empty ballroom. Well, nearly empty.

Clay and the pink haired man were standing across from each other, exchanging quiet words that I couldn't quite understand. It surprised me that they weren't physically attacking, and it almost seemed like they were coming to an agreement. Clay took notice of me hiding behind the door after a few moments and his gaze softened, causing Techno to whip his head around and give me a stare. I didn't find it harrowing, however. Not anger, but certainly not happiness- simply as expressionless as a blank page sitting before an author.

Clay gave me small nod before I entered, attempting to keep my chin up high as I strode over beside him. Techno watched me barrenly; his vacant stare reminding me of someone.

"Techno's had a change of heart, I suppose," Clay began slowly, suspicion striking obvious in his voice.

"It's true," he complied, raising his eyebrows in subtle agreement. "It took me too long to realize Schlatt is rightly insane. I wished for power, just like they do, but I'm not willing to take extreme measures."

"Wished or currently wish?" Clay questioned smoothly, narrowing his eyes.


I shifted my gaze to the man beside me, sharing a silent and solemn exchange of agreement. He seemed genuine, but this day has taught me that no one in this kingdom can be trusted.

Before he could speak again I threw myself into the conversation. "Where is he now? Did you let him escape?" I spat my question more than I had intended to.

Clay stiffened beside me. "He booked it out that door," he said as he turned to point behind us, "but Wilbur took off after him. He had been stabbed, probably by my psychotic father, but I managed to get him stable." he explained with panic rising in his voice. "For now, at least." Techno nodded earnestly, but I swear I could've seen a twinge of fearful doubt in his eyes.

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