chapter 9 - butterflies

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"Oh my God, you're alive!" Clay shrieked as he entered the hospital room, his hand lingering on the door handle.

"Hey," I chuckled, pushing myself up against the hospital bed into a sitting position.

"Are you allowed to sit up?" he gasped, almost tripping over his feet as he rushed to my side. I giggled and covered my face with my hand.

"Yes, dummy. It's been like three days already."

"Since you've been awake, though," he pointed out, raising his eyebrows.

I laughed again and shook my head. "Poor Clay, all worried about sick little Gogy?"

He rubbed the back of his neck and shifted his gaze to the floor. "Something like that." I rolled my eyes, laughing at his reaction and the fact that I called myself gogy.

I pulled the sheets up closer to my chest, trying to keep the cold draft from the hallway out. I watched Clay walk over to the window, and stared out of it before sitting in a chair, facing me. He put his elbows on his knees, interlocking his fingers together.

"I'm glad you're awake. I really was worried, after that incident in the alley." he began.

"You've told me this everyday, and you have been here the whole time. Why? Don't you have a bunch of royal things to attend to?" I exaggerated, pretending to sip a cup of tea. He smiled at my gesture before responding.

"Not really," he shrugged. I stared at him for a moment before averting my gaze to my hands as I picked at my nails.

"Well, thanks anyways. And thanks for saving me, too," I mumbled quietly, hoping he would hear it.

I lifted my gaze as he stood up and walked over to me, standing near the end of the bed, resting his hands on the sheets. I cocked my head to the side and smiled again, somewhat confused at his gesture but grateful he was here.

"Can I lay next to you?" he asked quickly, his words splitting the silence abruptly. I was a bit taken back by his words, and I slightly frowned in confusion.

"I don't know if there's enough room, but sure-" I cut myself off with a sharp breath, and as soon as the words left my mouth he lifted the covers and crawled in next to me. I tensed at his sudden movement, leaning over to the edge of the bed cautiously, my eyes widening while facing away from him.

"What are you doing..?" I muttered slowly, feeling him shift around beside me.

"Those chairs are uncomfortable," he replied simply, laying his head down on the pillow.

"I'm the injured one, here," I stated, looking off to the side as I hung off the bed, still keeping my distance from him.

"And it's my fault, I shouldn't have let you go off on your own," Clay murmured, grabbing my wrist and gently tugging me towards him. My eyes stayed wide the entire time, uncomfortable with how comfortable he seemed to be. I slightly shrugged and relaxed a bit, sinking back into the cot.

"It's really not, I don't blame you." I said quietly, laying my hand on the pillow next to my head.

"I do though," he said softly. I rolled my eyes and flipped around to face him.

"Stop that. I forgive you." he looked away and pressed his lips into a line, like he was annoyed at my words. I decided to leave him be and I laid my head down.

I sucked in a sharp breath at the movement, my head throbbing again. I cursed under my breath and held my hand up to my head.

"Are you okay?" he said quickly, sitting up on one elbow.

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