finale (part 2)

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cw: violence, blood, slight homophobia

make sure to pay extra attention during this chapter, there are lots of important details that you need to remember :)


Everyone's heads whipped around to the source of the voice. My stomach dropped to my feet, eyes wide with disbelief as Clay stood in-between the ballroom doors, staring at the front of the ballroom with all eyes on him.

His hands were placed on either door as he held them open, hair in his eyes and chest heaving as if he had been running. He looked just as distraught and wistful as before, even more so now, except his eyes were burning with a twist of rage I had never seen before. His stance was angry and powerful, shoulders back and head held high, and I didn't wonder about his reasoning for long before Schlatt came stumbling out behind him.

The silence that followed their entry was short lived. The audience gasped and hollered, jumping out of their seats to watch the unexpected scene unfold before their eyes. Fiona and I were the only ones who didn't move, except I failed to notice how her eyebrows furrowed disapprovingly.

Clay took off and rushed down the aisle, Schlatt stomping after him furiously with the bitter gleam of pure hatred in his eyes. The priest gave us all frantic looks before running away, but I payed him no mind. I was too focused on the man that sprinted towards me, and I let go of Fiona's hands to reach out to him.

Schlatt wasn't as fast as Clay, but by the time Clay had reached me, Schlatt grabbed the back of his suit collar and threw him backwards. His hand had extended towards mine to grab it, and just as he was forced away our fingers grazed each other, barely grabbing on before he hit the ground.

I saw Wilbur shoot out of his seat in the corner of my eye and race to the altar. Wilbur helped Clay off the ground but stood to the side questioningly, his eyes wide with confusion and shock.

Before I could give into the sweet feeling of relief, the pink haired man and his followers dashed down the aisle and stood behind Schlatt. Their cold glares held nothing but intense violence, soon broken away by the hoard of townspeople that tried to circle the altar. His group turned around and fanned out to hold back the people, keeping a clear circle around the royal families. Even if they weren't on our side, at least they were doing something helpful.

We now stood divided, as the two kingdoms of Windenburg and Brindleton always had. Clay and Wilbur standing off to the side before me, staring at Schlatt and his followers irritably. I stayed standing next to Fiona on the altar, a few steps above the chaos that awaited to break out.

Once Clay had regained his balance, he took a few steps towards me with a weak smile on his face. His hand had reached out to me once more, but his eyes widened with sudden terror as he quickly pulled back.

Time seemed to move in slow motion as the woman beside me reached through the slit in her wedding dress and pulled out a silver blade. I couldn't even process what was happening before she grabbed my wrists with one hand, twisting my arms behind my back, and held the knife up to my neck. The cold metal pressed against my warm and sweaty skin, breath hitching in my throat.

My head fell against her shoulder, chest heaving with panic, knowing that the entire kingdom was watching this exchange. I saw camera tripods being set up at the bottom of the altar, and for some reason that seemed to bring me some sort of gratification.

"Sorry lover boy," she whispered into my neck, "not all fairytales have happy endings."

I was trapped.  Everything soon became a blur to me. Held under my fiancé's grasp with a blade to my throat, watching my lover stand helplessly to the side, our last pieces of hope crumbling to the ground.

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