chapter 19 - square one

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"You," I muttered under my breath, stepping away from the door. The pink haired man I never thought I'd see again pushed the door open, revealing his intimidating figure. The moment he recognized me he flashed a sly smile, stepping forward to let the rest of his group in. Clay held onto me limply, barely conscious at this point. I shook him briefly but his eyes stayed closed.

A million questions ran through my mind as I slowly backed away. I shot a worried glance at Karl, who raised an eyebrow before getting Nick's attention. I didn't have time to see his reaction before I had to focus on the danger in front of me.

"Looks like your knight in shining armor isn't awake to help you this time, princess," he whispered as he walked closer. He grabbed Clay's collar and tossed him to the side easily, falling to the ground. I gasped and felt worry shoot through me when he laid motionless after a few moments. I took a glimpse of the man behind him, the tall blonde I recognized from the alley.

The loud music was making my head throb, and my skin started to prickle with unease. Before he could enclose me in the corner, I held my hand out and pushed him away with little force.

"So you're Techno," I whispered to myself.

He caught the end of my sentence and chuckled coldly. "And you're the helpless prince."

"Why are you here?" I asked quickly, raising my voice above the music. "Do you want power? Money? What is it?"

"Helpless and clueless? Please." Before he could reach for me, his head was thrown to the side by a powerful hit, whiplash sending him stumbling backwards. I gasped and found Nick standing next to me, his eyes gleaming with anger. He wiped his hand over his mouth before throwing another punch at his face.
Karl had run over behind him and was at my side now, his face twisted with anxiety.

"Get your hands off him!" Nick shouted, grunting as he slammed Techno against the wall. The blond man next to Techno grabbed my arm and started pulling me towards the doorway, but Karl grabbed my shoulders and attempted to pull me back.

The people at the party had noticed the situation in the background and were starting to leave in fear. The music had stopped, and I felt bodies brush past us as they left hurriedly.

Really? No one is questioning this?

I would've rolled my eyes but didn't have time to as Karl had peeled the other man's hands off my arm and pushed me behind him, blocking me from his deadly stare.

"You'll have to go through me first," he said quickly before the man grabbed his shoulders and tried to push him away. Surprisingly, Karl stood his ground and twisted his arms underneath his, making his elbows bend uncomfortably. Karl took the moment of hesitation to shove him backwards onto the floor.

While the guy was distracted, Karl grabbed my hand and started to run, but I shook my hand away from his and ran to Clay's side, trying to lift him off the ground. Karl noticed my failing attempts and rushed over to assist. Nick was still striking Techno, kneeling next to him as he punched him mercilessly.

Karl and I managed to drag Clay up on his feet and we headed towards the door, but the man on the ground grabbed my foot. Before I fell I caught myself and kicked his hands back, letting my foot free and then jabbing him in the face with my shoe. Karl had let go of Clay and ran up to kick him too, but the man sat up quickly and grabbed Karl's arm, dragging him to the floor.

"Don't touch my boyfriend!" Nick snapped as he dropped Techno's limp body, drunkenly stumbling over towards us. Being the tipsy idiot he was, he tripped over his own feet and landed on top of the man, shoving him back towards the ground.

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