chapter 18 - tipsy

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As I entered the house, I saw Fiona and Alex chatting quietly on the couch. I gave them a questioning look and Alex nodded, letting me know I could come in. Fiona had tear streaks on her cheeks and her eyes were red from crying. She sniffled, rubbing her eye with one hand as the other was being held by Alex's.

The others followed in behind me, Nick and Karl sitting on one of the couches while Clay and I stood behind it. We stayed silent for a moment while Fiona whispered a few more words into his ear. He nodded, a soft smile on his face. We all waited for them to speak first.

"She explained the entire situation to me, and I understand what happened. I forgive her," Alex said slowly, squeezing her hand. He seemed like he wanted to say more, but he kept his mouth shut and rubbed his thumb over her hand instead. Karl let out a breath of relief, and I felt a little of the tension in the room fade away.

"So- let me get this straight," Nick started, looking behind him at us before turning back to Fiona. "You two are together, and you two are together, but- you two are engaged?" his voice went higher as he pointed at Fiona and I, earning a small nod from us both.

"Sheesh," Karl added, rubbing his forehead like he had a headache. I sure did, and this much drama in one day was a little too much for me.

Alex hopped up from the couch, like he had pushed everything behind him. "Let's go to a party," he suggested, turning around to gently pull Fiona off the couch.

"A party?" I gasped, raising my eyebrows in surprise. Clay seemed skeptical too, but Nick and Karl were already excited.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Clay said firmly, holding his hand out towards Alex.

"Why not? We need to let loose, especially after all this shit." Alex replied, shrugging his shoulders.

"I agree," Karl exclaimed, almost jumping off the couch. "Do you know of any good ones?"

"But what about us," Clay put in, giving them a confused glance. "You really want to take two princes to a party?"

"Relaaax, it'll be fine. No one really cares who you are. Trust me," Nick said as he stood up beside Karl. I gave Clay a concerned look, and he returned it by pressing his lips together in worry. A moment later, he squeezed my hand reassuringly, making me instantly smile.

"Let's go!" Alex exclaimed, waving us along after he took Fiona's hand. She seemed to have done this before, and I couldn't help but wonder what shenanigans they had gotten into before. I shook my head, trying to smile along with them.


Clay and I took his car, following behind the others in Alex's. I was fiddling with my hands in the passenger seat, nervously watching the houses pass by through the window. I hated when I had bad feelings about things. When something was out of my control, it worried me until it drove me insane.

He seemed to read my mind as his hand slid off the wheel and slipped into mine. I looked up and smiled, already feeling better the moment our skin made contact. The silent but comforting action meant everything to me, and I wish we never had to leave the car. But soon enough, Alex pulled up to a house that was blasting with music, and I could see the shadows of people through the front window.

"Have you ever been to a party? Like, a real one. Not a stupid dance in a ballroom." he asked as he took the keys out of the ignition.

"No," I admitted, slightly shrugging my shoulders.

"Me neither." I raised my eyebrows in surprise, almost in disbelief. He laughed after mocking my expression.

"Are you sure about this? I mean we just met this guy, what if this is the mafia or something?" I asked anxiously, my hand leaving his to bite my nails.

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