chapter 12 - heartache

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slight aggression in dis one


"I'm nervous," I mumbled, rubbing my shaking hands together as I sat on Clay's bed.

"Don't be, it'll work out fine. We just have to tolerate Schlatt for a few minutes," he reassured me, turning around from his dresser to smile at me while he buttoned his shirt.

It had been a few days since we last saw each other, instead talking on the phone for hours late into the night. I still didn't know where we stood, but it was obvious his flirting wasn't so innocent anymore.

My parents had arranged for me to eat dinner with Fiona's family tonight. Somehow, Wilbur convinced my mom to stay home, leaving me with Clay and his sisters.

And of course, Schlatt.

I didn't want to show it, but I was terrified out of my mind. Worried that he was going to trick me into something, convince me to join his side somehow, I had no idea what was going to happen at the dinner table. I was glad that I had Clay, though.

I stood up and shuffled over to him, placing my hands on his hips and twirling him around. He gasped quietly, his fingers twisting the buttons on his half-buttoned shirt.

"Hey," he whispered once he got over the initial startle. I didn't reply, instead placing my hand on his bare chest and looking up at him. He let go of his shirt and placed both hands on my face, bringing me closer so our foreheads were touching.

"I know you're worried about it. I'll be right there, okay?" he muttered, and I felt his breath brush against my face. I nodded slightly, locking my gaze with his green eyes. We stared at each other for a moment longer before I pushed forward, connecting our lips gently.

My hands creeped up his chest automatically before wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer. His arms snaked around my waist, and my breath hitched when his hand ran up my back. I felt him smile into the kiss when I caught my breath, and I bit onto his lip in annoyance.

He pushed me up against the wall, his hands gripping my waist tighter as I fumbled with his shirt. I started pulling it off, undoing the buttons blindly.

"Hey Clay are you ready to-"

A gasp came from the open bedroom door, followed by another yelp of shock. Fiona stood with the door half opened, her hand gripped tightly around the handle. Her jaw hung open, her eyes wide with surprise.

Drista, on the other hand, had her hands clamped over her mouth, slightly jumping in her stance.


I had dropped my hands from Clay's neck but his arms stayed around my waist, his head turned towards the door with his mouth wide open. I pushed him away, rubbing my hand nervously on the back of my neck while I shoved my other hand in my pocket.

"Um, we uh-"

"I knew it I knew it I knew it! I knew it! I told you, Fiona!" Drista waved her finger in Fiona's face, which was still frozen. Drista skipped over to Clay, patting his back in excitement.

"Good job stupid!" she laughed, and Clay simply stared back, his face twisted in confusion.

"How did you- how- what?" he sputtered, bringing his hand up to his mouth.

"You guys are idiots. I was standing across the courtyard when you tugged his drunk ass through the window," she explained, slapping her knee in amusement.

"I'd be surprised if you guys haven't fucked each other yet. Looked like you were about to," she pointed her finger at me as she laughed. I slapped my hand over my mouth, looking over at Clay, who's face had gone bright red.

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