finale (part 1)

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hey queens and queers sorry i've been MIA but i'm finally on summer break, amen pogchamp.

only a few chapters left :0


With shaking hands and a forced smile, I stood alone at the end of the aisle under the wedding arch. It was decorated with an array of pink and white flowers, creating a pastel theme that matched my blue suit. Rows of unknown people sat before me, a quiet chatter filling the room to help push away awkward silence.

I bit my lip as another wave of tears threatened to escape. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment and blinked, my fake smile disappearing as I attempted to stay strong. The suspense was killing me, and Fiona seemed to be taking extra long in the dressing room, leaving me standing nervously before hundreds of people. Townspeople stood at the back of the ballroom, enclosed behind red ropes and bouncers that kept everyone confined. The front rows were reserved for relatives and family friends of the royals, all sitting with their legs crossed and hands in their laps, backs straight as they chatted formally. I almost wanted to roll my eyes at their disgusting fake acts, pretending like this was Hollywood and that everything was a game.

I tried to distract myself by looking away from their petty faces, but only ended up looking in Clay's direction. A small gasp escaped my throat as I immediately looked away, unable to meet his watery eyes. He sat in the front row with his head down next to Drista who was in a pale pink dress, looking around the room anxiously with her hand in his. She almost looked pissed off, a disappointed frown glued on her face as she scowled at the wealthy family members. A soft smile grew on mine when I noticed her thumb gently caressing Clay's hand. A small, rare act of sisterly love, trying to comfort her heartbroken brother as she kept her tall walls built up on the outside.

I couldn't bare to stare at the ground anymore so I looked back up at the siblings. Even though his head was down, I could tell Clay's face was bright red from holding back tears, fiddling with a tissue in his hands as Drista sat helplessly. I scoffed when I noticed Schlatt was nowhere to be found. Who wouldn't show up to their own daughter's wedding? Especially when he arranged it?

My eyes scanned the crowd again and I caught sight of Nick, Karl and Alex, standing in the crowd of townspeople. They were all quiet and nervous, and I couldn't help but notice Alex's shifty eyes.

Wilbur and Niki sat in the front, ankles crossed and chins held high. They didn't seem to be engaging in any conversation at all. I bit back a smile when someone tried to come up to Niki, but she gave them a disapproving look and shooed them away.

A priest arrived at the podium beside me, nodding his head respectfully as I smiled lightly in return. He pulled a book off the shelf from under the podium, adjusting his glasses on his nose as he began to proofread. His presence gave the hint the ceremony was about to begin.

The lights dimmed to shush the audience, all of their heads turning towards the front of the room where I stood. I felt my shoulders automatically shrink in as hundreds of eyes were now on me. I threw a desperate glance at Wilbur, who raised his eyebrows nervously and motioned his hand under his chin as message to get me to smile, but I looked away from him disappointedly and fixed my gaze on the back of the ballroom.

Everyone turned in their seats to face the doors, the tall gates opening as the organ began to play the classic wedding tune. I held my breath as a little girl ran out onto the carpet, her pink dress almost tripping her as she threw red petals on the ground out of her basket. The crowd awed as she bounced down the aisle, running out of petals before she reached the end of the carpet. I had no clue who she was, but it did manage to bring a genuine smile to my face for the first time today.

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