chapter 7

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February 19th

Changes ahead

Xavier's Vision.

Two years passed since Logan come to my school looking for the only person that mattered the most to him and he found her even though he hasn't spoken with her yet I could tell that something was bothering him that he didn't talk about with her.

Xavier: is everything Logan, you seem troubled by something.

Logan: I haven't seen her since she was a child and looking at her now...she looks so much like her mother.

Xavier: she definitely is a remarkable young lady, I can certainly see why Peter loves her.

Logan: I don't particularly care for him but if he makes her happy that is all that matters. Could you give this to her for me? I want her to get it after I leave.

Xavier: where will you go?

Logan: I have a job waiting for me in Nebraska, if one day she decides she wants to look for me be sure to tell her where to go and make sure she doesn't travel alone. Just make sure Blondie there doesn't break her heart.

Xavier: you're a good father Logan, it's just to bad you have to leave so soon.

Logan: perhaps I will return one day but for right now I need to take a step back and allow her to live her life as it were before I come here.

Xavier: you are always welcome here Logan, be safe out there my friend and keep in touch with her. I know she will always love hearing from her father.

Logan: see you around professor, take good care of her while I'm gone.

Xavier: she will be well taken care of, I promise.

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