chapter 18

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Date unknown.

Puppet on a string.

Vega's point of view

It has felt like an eternity since I had been taken from the mansion, I felt pity on those who were killed protecting me and my son taken away from me hurt me. I listened to every sound possible and heard everything that was going to happen. My only desire was to get out of this place and be cozying up next to my beloved but the thought of what Peter and I had crept through causing me to smile at the thought of what we once had. I had gotten used to the small room that I was locked in when I had been taken to a much larger room that looked like a laboratory.

Stryker: I hate doing this my dear but it is required, you are important to me.

Vega: you can experiment on me all you want but it won't take away the memories that I made through the years

Stryker: perhaps I won't but you will be the key to bringing down the others like you. I plan on allowing you along with others such as yourself to live but you see me as a threat and frankly that hurts.

Vega: try telling that to the ones killed by your orders. Don't try convincing me that you are some kind of savior, you are the enemy amd as long as you are still standing the professor will continue looking for you.

Stryker: or perhaps you. I know that he has been tracking you and by now he has sent some of his men to come look for you which leaves me no other alternative, I am sorry for this my dear.

I knew that he had other plans for me being brought here and I always knew it wasn't for a good cause, my heart broke for those who fallen in love with me and for the one who created me not for some science experiment but the one I called father, this would be the end of my life and I couldn't fight them alone so I accepted my fate no matter what happened in this very room.

Stryker: sargeant, you know what to do and make sure she is dead, I can't have a repeat of what happened last time.

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