chapter 22

16 9 0

April 2nd


Vega's point of view

After speaking with Nathan about my decision, I walked away from and looked for Peter who had been sitting in his room all morning like he was waiting for someone. I lightly knocked on the door getting his attention.

Vega: hey, may I come in?

Peter: yeah. What is on your mind?

Vega: not much...

I shut the door and sat down in the window before saying anything else.

Peter: there has been talk that Logan is leaving, shouldn't you be with him?

Vega: it is true that he is leaving but I will be going with him.

Peter: where are you both going?

Vega: I don't know just yet cause he hasn't told me, but I will be back.

Peter: I know you expect me amd Nathan to get along but I don't think it is going to happen.

Vega: I was afraid of that...

Peter: I want you to stay with me, you know that I love you Vega and I always will.

Vega: I know but my leaving has nothing to do with you or him, I'm doing this for my own accord.

Peter: when will I get to see you again?

Vega: I don't know but if you decide to move on I will understand why.

Peter: I will never do that to you, it's you that I love and I will wait for you.

I was about to head outside where my father was when I felt Peter grab my hand, pulling me back toward him as we stared into each other's eyes.

Peter: I won't let you go that easy Vega.

Vega: you have to let me go at some point Pete...

Peter: I will be here when you return.

I looked to the floor and sighed before looking back into his eyes which I was left surprised when I felt his lips press against mine and my only reaction was to kiss him back which is what I did.

Vega: I have to go...

Peter: be safe out there.

Vega: I will... Goodbye Peter.

Peter: goodbye Vega.

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