chapter 6

18 8 0

August 20th

You're my girl.

Peter's Journal.

I watched carefully as he kissed her hand after placing his fingers in between hers. I couldn't help but feel jealous, I know that I shouldn't act this way but I had become close to Vega ever since we were forced to stick by her side from the first day Stryker had us locked in a room together,  she had become my only priority and I been hurt by watching her nearly killed by one of Stryker's beasts that he created.


As the night rolled on I continued watching her every move as she stayed by the other guy's side and noticed the way he kept looking at her. I gathered up the nerve to finally approach them and grabbed her hand so we could talk alone.

Vega: Peter what the hell are you doing right now?

Peter: I need to talk with you and it is loud back there.

Vega: I made a promise to keep an eye on Nathan.

Peter: what I have to say is more important and Nathan is in a room full of people, what could go wrong?

Vega: you really have the nerve to drag me away after what you did to me.

Peter: so I left you alone in the woods,  I already told you I went to find you some help.

I stepped onto a nearby balcony that overlooked the garden, I was at a loss for words after I looked at her and noticed how she looked in the moonlight.

Peter: I truly am sorry for leaving you alone the way that I did, I'm not asking you to forgive me for leaving you alone the way that I did without telling you Vega.

Vega: you were the only person that I trusted at the time. I thought you left for your own personal reasons, I forgive you for leaving and I was wrong for being angry at you for leaving me alone.

Peter: I want to be in your life but only if you want me here.

Vega: of course I want you in my life are the only guy I would want around me every day.

Peter: so what is your priority to this other guy?

Vega: I'm only helping him out until he gets used to things around here.

Peter: so you don't have feelings for him?

Vega: of course not, we just met each other today and Rogue asked me to show him where everything was cause he just arrived here this afternoon. I have feelings for someone who isn't him.

Peter: I feel kind of dumb for thinking you had feelings for him...

Vega: well I think you are cute when you get jealous.

Peter: Me, Jealous? I wasn't jealous of him.

Vega: I should get back to the party...

Peter: Vega wait...

I watched as she turned back around and faced me before I slowly approached her...

Vega: what is it?

Peter: can we spend the rest of the night alone?

Vega: I thought you would never ask.

As the night went on I finally reached a point in my life that I never wanted to let go of as we laid together looking up at the stars and we both noticed a single shooting star fly across the night sky.

Peter: you should make a wish.

Vega: I couldn't wish for anything else but to relive this moment all over again,  I enjoy spending time with you Pete, you are all I could ever want next to me. I love you

Peter: you have always been my girl Vega and the only one I could ever love.

Vega: I am glad we found each other.

Peter: me too...

I looked into her eyes and gently pressed my lips against hers before we headed back inside and fell asleep holding her close to me.

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