chapter 17

17 9 0

November 23rd


Nathan's dialogue

After returning to the mansion, I noticed the damage that had been done along with a few deaths that were involved in whatever happened here. I was reluctant on find Vega but to my surprise she wasn't here which isn't like her to leave without saying anything.

Nathan: where is she?

Peter: I couldn't protect her from them...

Xavier: Stryker has her but where still remains unknown I'm afraid.

Nathan: she should have come with us and she would still be here.

Xavier: if she is with Stryker, I will find her but for now let's wait for Logan to return.

Logan: no need, I am here and Stryker does have her. I tried to save her but it was no use, I come to the conclusion that he has plans for her or else he wouldn't have gone through the trouble of coming here.

Xavier: I will go now and track her down, excuse me gentleman.

Nathan: I still think you're at fault for this happening, we were safe until you returned and now she's gone.

I didn't give him a chance to say something before I had him pinned against the floor, the rage I felt was uncontrollable and I felt my power unleash, it felt like an animal had been released from it's cage one that would remain unleashed.

Logan: we shouldn't fight our allies, it isn't his fault Vega was captured. Let's talk a walk kid and Peter go clean yourself up...

I walked into the courtyard as Logan closed the door quickly.

Logan: what's bothering you kid?

Nathan: I should have been here and she wouldn't be missing right now.

Logan: you had no idea this was going to happen Nathan, even if you had been here there could have been a chance that you could have been killed with the others.

Nathan: I would have died protecting her.

Logan: don't be foolish kid, she would want you alive. I know her not being here doesn't help but have faith and trust that she is okay. If I know Stryker, he will have more use from her being alive.

Xavier: and alive is what she is, I found her. She's being held in an underground facility not far from here. Take Nathan,  Peter and a few others with you, I will stay here and look after the children.

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