chapter 14

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October 3rd

Back to the past.

Peter's Journal.

I had been reminded of my past and I remembered it like yesterday, Logan had a daughter that I fell in love with, I also remember marrying her after before she told me the news of her being pregnant with our child. Which was the day Stryker had me killed. I had spent days trying to think of ways on how I would approach her but I had seen her and Nathan getting married on the beach not to far from where I was standing.

I knew that I was too late so I decided to  leave which brought me to where I was now, I had my memory of her erased and returned back home where my mom stayed. Which brought Xavier and Logan to search for me.

Peter: I'm ready to go, I do have one request when we get to where we are heading...

Logan: and what would that be?

Peter: I want my own room.

Xavier: every student gets their own room. Privacy is the most important thing at my school no matter their age.

Logan: now that the plan of having his own room is handled, how are we going to tell Vega about him?

Xavier: I don't expect her to take it well but with time I'm sure things will return to normal.

Logan: she is pregnant Xavier, I don't want her losing her child on account of stressing out from seeing...

Xavier: let me talk with her and I will ease her mind, she's going to be upset at first but that's only due to what she went through...

Logan: as long as you promise to tell her the truth instead of her finding out about his return.

Xavier: whatever happens will happen Logan, she is going to be okay.

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