Long Ring Long What

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As Luffilia told her crew to set sail just behind them, it was a giant wave started by sea monkeys. As soon as they got away, they settled down, looking through everything they got from the sky island. Nami was testing the waver just as Usopp started to test his dials that he got. Luffilia was inside the gallery feeding the balloon octopus, also sneaking on the food Sanji made. "Why not set it free?" Zoro asked as he grabbed his share of the sneak looking at the octopus. "But he helped us anyways. Who knows he may come in handy in the future." Luffilia said, smiling as the balloon octopus blows up before deflating.

Nami, Robin, Usopp, and Chopper came in after messing around for a bit until the meeting to discuss what's going to happen next. "Okay, so we have loot. That means we are distributing evenly, but before we do that, I have a suggestion. We spend this money on repairs." Nami said, looking at their loot. "I'm down with that." Luffilia said as everyone agreed. "Maybe why we're at it. Let's look for a shipwright." Luffilia said as they all gathered around. "No offense Usopp, but you should stay a sniper." Luffilia said as Usopp nodded. "Ya Usopp's patch jobs can only get us so far." Zoro agreed as everyone else did too. "Hey, at least I'm trying to keep us afloat?" Usopp said as Luffilia nodded. "Yep, and you're doing a good job." Luffilia said as Sanji placed a hot drink in front of her.

Just when they got back outside, three shadows covered the ship after a change of clothes. Luffilia knew wearing a light blue and pink tie dye tank top with blue capris, looked up to see the sea monkeys from earlier had followed them. "Aren't those?" Usopp asked next to her, making a money face with her. "Ahhhhh! Ruuunnn! Sea monkeys!" Usopp said as Nami felt no wind told them to grab the paddles. Usopp took the post of scout as Chopper, Zoro, Sanji, and Luffilia man the paddles. "Ship sighted at 12 o'clock!" Usopp said, looking through his binoculars. "Are they enemies?" Luffilia asked next to Sanji. "No, they don't have any sails!?" Usopp said, questioning the ship he saw. "Nothing!?" Luffilia asked as Usopp described what he was seeing.

Apon farther look, the ship was in utter chaos once its crew released one. A big wave was coming and two their ship and wanting to raid them. Luffilia was not able to concentrate used libra to give Usopp Hercules strength as she watched the other ship have no order. They crashed into the wave as the sea monkeys happily left the Cosmic pirates alone. The others relaxed once they knew another wave was not coming. "We can relax, know." Usopp said slunch over the paddle as Nami took in the condition of the sea. Robin took place of lookout and saw the next island that was right ahead and as been for a while.

Luffilia kept thinking back to the ship from before. Usopp voiced her thoughts, finding it weird that there was no captain, navigator, sail, or flag on that ship. Zoro thought they must have a battle and lost. "Ture, but that ship was in pristine condition." Usopp said remembering the ship didn't look like it was attacked. "Then they probably weren't pirates." Sanji said, just shrugging it off. "Chopper, are we close?" Luffilia asked, changing the subject as Chopper nodded. "We're close to shore prepare the anchor!" Luffilia said, standing next to Chopper. "Do you think a good shipwright will want to join our crew?" Chopper asked, looking up at Luffilia. "Oh no, we're not looking for a good shipwright." Luffilia said, smiling down at Chopper. "We aren't?" Chopper asked as Luffilia nodded. "We're looking for the coolest and greatest shipwright of all!" Luffilia said, smiling as Chopper agreed with her.

Usopp once again had the can't go on the island disease that Luffilia just laughed as Chopper told him there was no cure. "Don't worry, it looks peaceful, Usopp. Let's go!" Luffilia said, grabbing Usopp, jumping off of Going Merry with Chopper, and fallowing them. "Wait, we don't know what's on! Oh...uh 15 cartwheels." Nami said, giving up after realizing the island might just be peaceful. "With an island this flat, we can still see them." Zoro said, taking care of the anchor. "You're right." Nami said as Robin and Sanji nodded.

Luffilia, Usopp, and Chopper just stared wide mouth and eyes as they saw a long, not big, but long skinny bear walking past them. "Was that a human?" Chopper asked because of the bear walking on two legs. "No, that was a bear." Luffilia claimed, watching it move past them. "It's long. That's a LONG BEAR!" Usopp express loudly looking at it as Luffilia used Triangulum to reach the top of the tree's where long fruits grow. "Look at these fruits! Their long too." Luffilia said, eating one as she hands the others to Usopp and Chopper.

They saw more animal's with long body parts before they encountered a yurk. "Why's everything so long?" Usopp asked as Luffilia knocked before sticking her head in to find no one. "No one at home." Luffilia said as Chopper called out to them. Behind the yurk was a long horse nuzzling chopper. "Wow, she's beautiful." Luffilia said, coming closer. "Thank you she said." Chopper translates for Luffilia as she pets the beautiful creature. "Her name is Sherry, and she said it's nice to meet you." Chopper said as Usopp noticed a saddle. "Hey, Usopp." Luffilia said, looking away from Sherry and Chopper. "Doesn't these look out of place to you?" Luffilia said, pointing out two bamboo shoots all on their own. "Now that you mention that?" Usopp said, hitting one only for it to move and hit Luffilia.

In a fit of anger, Luffilia called forth Dorado and slice it down. As the long bamboo fell, they also heard a loud thump. Chopper still talking to Sherry turned to them as Luffilia and Usopp looked down. "When we broke the bamboo, it's spirit fall." Luffilia said, looking at the elderly man. Only for him to get up and whipe his nose. "I remember you, it's been a long time." The old man said as the other three looked between them.

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